(Felix x Blue!Reader)

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It was safe to say that Felix had gotten pretty attached to you. He was basically in your eyesight 24/7. The merc also teased you constantly. His presence wasn't annoying, but comforting. Not only did he provide a source of protection, but he was great company. The only problem was that you thought that you might have started having feelings for the soldier.

Sure, he was physically appealing, but a person is defined by their character. Felix is a strong, funny, and charming person. You didn't know what, but something was stopping you from being with him. Maybe the fact that he seemed unattainable? You had no clue.

It seemed like he thought of you as a little sister. He'd talk to you constantly, and you two would frequently shove each other till the other fell over. He was protective of you, and he practically scared off all males that got near you. All except Caboose, for obvious reasons.

Today would started just like the others. Felix would be waiting outside your room, like usual. He'd then walk around with you, talking about nothing in particular. But, for some reason, he wasn't there. You looked around, thinking he was attempting to surprise attack you. He was nowhere to be seen.

The whole day, you couldn't find a trace of him anywhere. It wasn't until you got back to your room late at night that you heard your bed creaking. "Hey, (y/n)," Felix greeted you while lying on your bed and twirling a knife in his fingers. You had to refrain yourself from punching the mercenary in the face.

"Where were you?" You asked, biting back a growl. He grabbed the knife by its blade and chucked it up, where half the blade wedged itself into the ceiling. "On a mission," he replied. You walked over to the bed and crossed your arms. Angry? Oh, no. You were seething with pure rage. How could he act so obliviously while it was clear as day how upset you were?

"Get it out," you growled. He looked at you, "What?" "Get the knife. Out of my fucking ceiling. Now," you hissed. He lifted his hands in the air as he got up, "Okay, geez. Whatever you say, mom." He ripped the knife out of the ceiling. "Someone's in a pissy mood today..." he grumbled.

"Yeah, I'm a bitch, tell me something I don't know," you snapped at him. "Okay, what's up? You never talk to me like this." He stated, confused with your attitude. "I don't know. Maybe my asshole of a friend left without a word to me. Maybe I was pacing back and forth worried about him. Ever think of that?" You barked.

"Oh, so you were worried about me," he spoke with a smirk in his voice. You walked over to the mercenary and leaned against him. "Of course I was, you idiot. How could I not be?" You could feel tears welling up in your eyes.

Muscular arms wrapped themselves around your neck, keeping you in your place against the male's chest. The familiar click of the release triggers on your helmet sounded in your ears. Your helmet was pulled off, then dropped on the floor. Your (e/c) shifted up to see that Felix had taken his helmet off too.

"Hey, listen to me for a sec," he ordered. His gloved hands ran through your (h/c) hair, a thing he did to calm you down. He continued, "I had to leave super early in the morning. I planned to tell you, but as soon as I got to your door, I changed my mind. You were still asleep, so I didn't want to wake you up."

"You still could've left a note..." you mumbled. He smiled and ruffled your hair. "I'll remember to do that if this happens again. Okay, princess?" "Princess? What's with that nickname?" "Because I spoil you like one." "You... spoil me?" "Yeah. I mean, not every girl is lucky enough to have my full attention."

You blushed at his statement. The brunette smirked at the pink hue on your cheeks. "That's a cute look. Maybe I should tease you some more so I get to see it more often," he teased you. He started to close in on you, but you wiggled out of his clutches. "Playing hard to get, huh? Fine. Just so you know, I like challenges, (y/n)."


Oh my gosh! This book hit 10k! 😱

Thank you guys so much! I couldn't have gotten here without you! You're all awesome!

I've already got the next one-shot planned out since someone kept reminding me about it. 😒

Anyway, requests are still open in the comments.

Thanks again guys, for all of your support.

- J_fox11


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