(Dying!Freelancer!Reader x Wash)

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Once you heard that Wash and Carolina had to go fight Felix and Locus, you stuck to the black and yellow freelancer like glue. "(S/n), I'll be fine. I'm gonna come back, I promise," he tried to convince you to let him go. After some thought, you reluctantly let him go.

"Come back to me, safe and sound," you commanded him. He pat your head. "I will," he smiled. But you had a sinking feeling in your gut that this might be the last time you'd see Wash, or anybody.

"Wash," you began. He looked at you, waiting for what you were going you say. You waved it off, "It's nothing." He nodded and was on his way. You watched his back, regretting not telling him your feelings.

After the exhausting battle, Wash came back to victory cheers and sorrowful cries. His blue eyes scanned the area for the (primary color) and (secondary color) former freelancer that he wanted so badly to see.

Wash walked through the crowd and finally spotted you sitting on a cliff staring at the setting sun with your helmet off. He smiled and walked over to where you were. "Hey, (s/n)," the blonde male greeted you. You looked over at him.

"Hey, Wash," you managed to breathe out. He took off his helmet and sat next to you. He gazed at the sun setting over the horizon. He started to ramble, "It's a pretty sunset. All the colors are beautiful. Orange, yellow-" "Red like blood," you cut him off. He seemed a little weirded out by that.

"Wash, I need to tell you something before I can't say anything anymore," you spoke up. He rested his hand on your shoulder and tried to console you, "Hey, it's okay. Calm down." "No! I need to tell-" you coughed up a bit of blood.

"(S/n)?! Are you okay?!" He started panicking. Your voice sounded a little scratchy when you spoke, "All my life, I've wished of finding the one person who I loved more than anything." You hissed and put more pressure on the wound on your stomach.

"(S/n), we need to get Dr. Grey. You're gonna bleed out-" "I don't care! I'm telling you this now, cause I might never have the courage to do it again!" "What are you talking about?" You sighed, "I... I've been waiting for that one person. And I've finally found him. It's you Wash. I've been waiting for you for so long."

He gave you a look of shock, confusion, and concern. Your head started feeling really loopy. "To think I'd tell you this, in my last moments," you laughed weakly. He starting crying, "No! You're gonna live!"

All of a sudden, you couldn't see anything and you were feeling cold. "W-Wash?" You called out. "Yeah?" You could tell that he was crying more than he was before. "I-I can't... I can't see. Wash, I'm cold and scared," you started crying. He pulled you into a hug.

He murmured, "You're gonna be okay, just listen to my voice." A warmth enveloped you, one that made you feel safe and at ease. "It's a lot warmer. It's nice," your voice when down to a whisper.

"Wash?" You called to the male. He sniffled and answered, "Y-yeah?" "Can you say that you love me?" "I... I... I love you. A lot. So don't leave me," he pleaded. "Thank you. I'm... Really... Happy..." You breathed out. You smiled, because no matter what happened, Wash made your last moments the happiest of your life.


This made me cry a little while writing it. Gosh dang it! I'm an emotional mess!😭
*Memories by Shawn Mendes starts playing*

Anyway, leave requests down in the comments. This chapter will also come with a list of prompts so go look at that.

And as-

Oh, for goodness sake! *shuts off music*
Shut up, Shawn! You're making me cry!

Leave requests in the comments.

Thanks for-*music turns on again*
That's it! I'm done!😡


- J_fox11


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