(North x Reader x Colorado)

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Girls? Or boys? At the end of the day, does it really matter which you love more? Girls could be sweet, adorable, caring, gentle, and giggle boxes. Boys could be protective, goofballs, short tempered, handsome, and mature, at times. Both had many wonderful qualities. So, how could you choose?

While being a girl, Colorado wasn't exactly an open person. She kept to herself, mostly. Her mysterious demeanor and beauty underneath her armor made her appealing. Even so, she rarely showed emotions. Her eyes were always blank, not even a glimmer of emotion. Except when she got angry. Oh, then you can easily see the fires of hell breaking loose. Even with all these traits, you still found yourself attracted to her.

North seemed like one of God's angels sent to earth. His smile was more infectious then any disease you knew of. He brought happiness and light to to darkest of times. His being radiated nothing but purity. North was the exact definition of the word "perfection". He is the best friend everyone wishes they could have. He also could be a good father-figure for some people, or someone to look up to. You fell in love with him instantly.

These two were nothing alike. Their personalities, hobbies, and interactions with other people were completely different. The only similarity they had was that they were both snipers. Both having a keen eye, and good reaction time, made them experts in their field.

They were sort of your compass and support. North would always lead you towards the right path. But, if you ever needed to relax from the stressful decisions, Colorado was there to fill in for you.

The question was if they liked you in the same way. North was an open book, but he always acted like an older brother around you. And, let's face it, no one could ever tell what Colorado was thinking. How would you ever get anything out of the two?

"Okay, slow down, (s/n)," North tried to calm you down. You kept all your feelings bottled up, but you couldn't anymore. The two were surprisingly together at the shooting range, so you took a leap of faith. "Okay. I... I like both of you. Not as a friend, or in a sibling kind of way."

North looked over at Colorado. She just stood there in silence. Now you were getting nervous. "Um... (s/n). How do I put this?" North pondered to himself. You started to panic. He didn't like you like that. And Collie probably didn't either. How were you-

"I... actually like you, too," the purple and green admitted sheepishly. Your thoughts stopped. Your voice came out soft, "You do?" He nodded. Then, your gaze switched to the black and aqua clad female. Even with her helmet on, you could tell she wasn't looking at you. You called to her, "Collie?"

She looked back at you. "Do you like me, too?" You asked. The redhead was motionless for a few seconds, then nodded her head. You were happy they both returned your feelings. But now, the question is...

Who are you going to pick?


So, done with that. Joyous day.

The next one shot I have down is going to be a bit depressing. Sorry.

Anyway, leave requests in the comments.

Parting is such bittersweet sorrow. But I must. Good-day. Or night, whichever.

- J_fox11


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