Chapter 7-3

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"Hello, Charlie!" Max called Friday evening when Charlie made it back from Rib's grueling movie shoot.

He had been dragging her all over campus to various filming locations every day after class, and she was finally glad to have now finished her scenes and be clean of that gory makeup for good.

"Wow, you look tired!" Demeter frowned at her worn out appearance.

"Yeah," Charlie sighed, plopping onto the couch. "Rib has been working like crazy!"

"Rib is crazy!" laughed Apollo.

"Well, I don't think I can do this acting thing anymore," Charlie went on. "It's really draining. And he makes me wear the weirdest costumes."  

"Charlie!" Rib burst into the dorm at exactly that moment. "I just thought of one last scene I need you to come record!"

"No way, Rib," Charlie groaned. "You said we were done."

"Fine," Rib clucked his tongue, heading back for the door. "It was just one little scene with a beautiful damsel in distress, but I guess I'll just find someone else," he added before disappearing into the hall.

"Rib! Wait!" Charlie jumped up. "I'll do it!!!" she chased him out of the dorm.


"Rib! Wait! W-OOMPH!" Charlie ran headlong into someone just outside of the door.

"Whoa!" Printz caught her before she could fall. "Be careful, Charlize," he smiled down at her, but suddenly frowned. "You look exhausted! What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Charlie promised embarrassedly. "I've just been working a lot for my new extra curricular lately. It's tiring."

"Well, I hope you're not too tired," said Printz finally. "Our last soccer match of the year is on Sunday."

Charlie raised her brows.

"It's an away game," he continued. "We're playing our rival team across town. The Cats are really tough competition- but I know if you came to cheer, The Bears would definitely be able to win. So, if you think you have enough energy to make it..."

"What? Of course! I have plenty of energy! I'm not tired at all!" Charlie tried to look perky.

"Okay, great," Printz twinkled. "Then I'll see you Sunday, Charlize."

Charlie grinned after him as he entered the Sparta Dorm, completely forgetting about chasing after Rib.


"Yep! He said 'if I came to cheer, he knows they would definitely be able to win'," Charlie blushed over the phone to Posey.

"You are so lucky," Posey sighed. "Have fun! And make sure to tell me everything! Oh! And try to take a picture if you can!"

Charlie chuckled as the bedroom door opened and Pace entered, looking like his usual, grumpy self.

"Hey," Charlie greeted him lightly. "Are you going to the big soccer match this weekend?"

Silently, Pace grabbed his messenger bag and headed back for the door, pausing with his hand on the knob.

"Why would I?" he said at last, exiting the bedroom once again.


Charlie woke up Saturday morning to another Pace-less bunk. However, it was an early, incessant knocking that had roused her, taking away any hopes of sleeping in.

"Charlie!!!" Rib's loud voice joined the pounding noise.

"Yeah?" Charlie sleepily answered the door.

"I was up editing all night!" Rib looked surprisingly bright-eyed for having not slept. "Do you wanna see how our movie's opening scene is coming?"

"Sure," Charlie wasn't nearly as excited as Rib, but curiously agreed to see how it was turning out, knowing he would never let her say no anyways.

"Alright!" Rib energetically led her to the room next door.

This was the first time Charlie had ever been inside of Rib's room. Max was his roommate, but you'd never be able to tell. The room was filled with various spooky collectibles; the walls papered in horror movie posters.

"Here we go," Rib sat down in front of a computer which was situated next to a fake skull.

Clicking play, the screen filled with the image of their movie's first scene.

"Now, if you look really closely, you can see I hid our names in the background," Rib told her.

"Really?" Charlie exclaimed. "Cool!" she suddenly frowned. "I don't see anything."

"It's right there," said Rib.

"Where?" Charlie leaned close to the screen. "I still don't see- AHH!!!"

Rib's face popped up on the screen, screaming loudly and nearly scaring Charlie right out of her skin.

"HA HA! GOTCHA!!!" Rib fell onto the floor in a fit of laughter.

"Rib!" Charlie shouted as Max and the twins hurried into the room.

"Did someone scream?" asked Max, who was dressed and wearing an apron. A mixing spoon was in his hand.

"Is everything okay?" Demeter rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah! Are you alright, sweetheart?" Apollo cried.

"Ahh! Apollo!" Charlie quickly turned away. Apollo was only wearing his new pair of animal print underwear.

"What?" he shrugged.

"Dude, put something on and check out our movie," said Rib, throwing a robe at Apollo.

"Don't do it," warned Charlie. "It's a trick."

"Figures," Demeter shook his head.

"When do we really get to see it?" wondered Max.

"I should be done editing by next weekend," grinned Rib. "Just in time for my birthday premiere!"

"I thought you wanted to have a Halloween premiere," Charlie knit her brows.

"Rib's birthday is on Halloween," said Demeter.

"Of course it is," Charlie chuckled.

"But it's going to be perfect!" Rib went on. "We can show the movie at the big Halloween party and then go celebrate my birthday!"

"Big Halloween party?" Charlie widened her eyes. Why had she never heard anything about that before?



Hello! I have a little game today- BoB! WOULD YOU RATHER!

1. Would you rather: Bake cookies with Max or prank someone with Rib?

2. Would you rather:Go on a picnic with Apollo or Demeter?

3. Would you rather:Be Pace's roommate or Printz's roommate?

4. Would you rather: Join Chefs Club or Poetry Club?

5. Would you rather: Have to wear the bear suit or one of Rib's movie costumes?

And finally, just a question, which Spartan is your favorite?

Have fun! And if you liked this, we can do another one next chapter!

xox Ray

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