Chapter 11-2

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"What a day," Charlie rubbed her hip as she climbed into bed that night. "I'm never going to get the hang of a basket toss with these guys. Posey made it sound so easy! Oh well. It's not like I'm entering a cheer competition this year. I have more pressing things to worry about. Like the dance! I hope Posey's idea works."

Charlie reached up to feel her necklace, but let out a small gasp. It was no longer clasped around her neck.

"Oh, great!" Charlie sprang up, beginning to panic. "Where is it?" she looked frantically around her bed. "It has to be here somewhere... I haven't been anywhere else since I put it on earlier. Just here- and on Pace's bed."

Charlie gulped as the realization hit her.

"Just great..." she grimaced as she glanced at the bunk above. "I'd better hurry and look before Pace shows up."

Quickly scaling the ladder, Charlie climbed onto Pace's bed and began to feel around.

"Aha!" she grinned as her hand landed upon the chain, but just then, the door began to open. "Oh no!" Not knowing what to do, Charlie fell flat upon the mattress and under the covers, as close as possible to the wall. Holding her breath, she listened intently through the dark. "Please go back out. To the bathroom. The common room. The woods. Anywhere!"

However, to Charlie's extreme horror, Pace began to climb up the ladder and directly into his bed. As he stretched onto his back, Charlie tried to formulate a silent escape, but just as she dared a peek from under the blanket, he rolled onto his side, landing face to face with her.

Charlie almost screamed, but was relieved to find that Pace's eyes were closed.

"He doesn't know I'm here," she breathed. "But how do I get back down without him knowing? And what if he does find out? Could this be any scarier?" Charlie continued to worry when, with perfect timing, Rib's spooky CD began to play.

Charlie's mind raced as she searched for a way out, but the path to the ladder was completely blocked. 

"I guess I have to wait until he falls asleep," Charlie gulped, staring at Pace's face. "But how long will that take?"

Charlie watched him nervously for the longest time, afraid to move, afraid to breathe, and then- she woke up.

"Ah!" Charlie's eyes widened as she glanced out the window at the dawning morning. "I fell asleep! I've got to get down from here before Pace wakes up!!!"

As quietly as possibly, Charlie began to crawl towards the foot of the bed and climb over the edge, but just as she touched the floor, she heard Pace's voice.

"Don't go," he called.

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