7: "Fall in Love with Me."

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I make my way downtown towards the coffee shop I have missed so dearly. I swear to God I've had withdrawal symptoms from New York while I was in L.A.

I enter the café and immediately walk up to the counter and order an espresso and a muffin because I'm hungry. (When am I not?)

The café is called Barista's and it is amazing. There are booths and cosy armchairs, it's really indie, and I mean urban outfitters kind of indie, not 'OMG, I went to Coachella and liked a song I never heard before, I'm so indie!' kind of indie.

Now, after a year, I get to sit in my beloved window seat which I have missed for many long months.

Just as the spot comes into my view, I see Jack sitting by the window on his phone, and trust me does he look hot. His dark blue henley shirt that perfectly displays his muscles goes well with the jeans he has on. Damn, he looks so good that I feel awkward in my oversized t-shirt and boyfriend jeans.

I take a breath. Why? Well, I don't know to be quite honest. Nevertheless, I sit down across from Jack and he looks up, shocked that someone joined him.

"You're not in my spot," I say confusedly before he has a chance to speak.

"Excuse me?" He asks.

"Sorry, let me rephrase. You're not in the good seat," I tell him.

"Are you kidding? Where you're sitting you get the sun in your eyes!" He defends.

"Well at least I get a nice chair and my coffee doesn't get cold," I reason.

After the mention of coffee, Jack immediately asks me which type of coffee I got on the grounds of, 'you can tell a lot about a person based on the coffee they choose'. Bullshit if you ask me.

"A double shot espresso." I take a sip as I raise an eyebrow.

"It says that you are fierce, feisty. You are bold and strong-willed. Yet you like things to be ordered and logical." He says as he takes a gulp from his coffee.

"And what coffee did you get?"

"Just coffee," he replies simply, not knowing how is non-answer was so infuriating.

"Just coffee?" I imitate in a question.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asks, genuinely confused.

"Is that a thing? Like, what is that?" I lean forward and put my elbow on my knee, resting my chin on my fist. "What is, 'just coffee'?" I say in all seriousness. We stay in silence for a few seconds until we both start laughing uncontrollably.

"It's just straight, black coffee. No cream. No sugar. Just coffee," he says once we have stopped laughing at my attempt to be a TV show host.

"I guess that makes sense." I take my own coffee and down it. I feel the smooth, bitter liquid set my throat on fire but I relish in the small pain that it gives me. It's like an energy spike. I know you're not meant to down espressos but let's be honest if you haven't had a decent espresso in a year you're going to jump at it.

"Was that good?" Jack asks me suggestively.

"Very impressive," I say.

"An impressive espresso, you say?" I nod, "One could almost call it an impresso espresso." I immediately burst into laughter with Jack, causing almost the whole café to look at us. Let them look, let them envy the good time I'm having.

"Did you actually just say that?" I ask through my laughter.

"I think so." He chuckles before shutting up.

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