10: "A Really Gruesome, Overly Dramatic Murder."

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Let's just say it has been one very eventful day which left Jesse and me in the rather sticky situation we are currently in.

Let me elaborate.

It was all going well and according to plan roughly five hours ago...

"Why did we get up so early?" Roxy complained.

"To get at Jesse Dexter, obviously," I answer.

"But he hasn't done anything since the whole flyers thing."

"Have I not told you? It's not prank for prank like I usually do. This is war not games. It's tactical and strategic. And my tactic is throw everything at him until he can't take it anymore."

"Seems logical," she drifted off and I had to slap her to wake her up.

"No sleeping on the job."


When we had reached the school I had gone to the locker rooms, Roxy was working on the flag pole and Scarlett was standing guard at the school gate to tell us when the team got here.

We successfully planted everything and Roxy and Scarlett were waiting in the car with a camera to see the reaction to the flagpole and I had another stakeout in the classroom.

hanna marin >> Jesse's here and he's going crazyyyyy!!!!

Scarlett does look like Ashley Benson, doesn't she?

Just after I got Scarlett's text I heard shouts of boys coming through the corridor and Jesse seemed to be leading the pack while steam came out of his ears.

Then he went into the locker room and in 3... 2... 1...

Commence shit fit #2

"KT!!!!" Shouted Jesse, followed by a chorus of laughter.

Jesse stormed out of the locker room, fully clothed this time, and my god, did he look angry.

The whole thing played out as last time with Jack following him out and stuff but the only difference this time was that he found me.

His eyes locked with mine and let's just say that if the world revolved around death glares, Roxy has nothing on him.

He ran towards me and swung open the door so violently it bounced back off the wall and hit him in the face. This just helped my laughter. But the death stare he gave me didn't.

"Can I help you, Jesse?" I said as I try to suppress a laugh.

"You!" Is all he managed to get out.

"Me!" I said in an overly chirpy voice.

"I can't play with... this!" Jesse waved the newly pink football jersey in my face.

"What a shame," I took the jersey from his hands and put it against his face. "Pink is so your colour."

"If this is your version of a sick joke then you should know that I don't care for it one bit. Not one single bit," he growled.

"It's not like I expected you to like it, is it? That's kinda the point."

He threw the shirt at me violently but I somehow managed to catch it. "Change it back!"

"Do you see bleach and a washing machine anywhere?"

"Not my problem, fix it."

"Not my problem," I threw it back at him. "Wear it."

"No! Coach will kill me!"

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