25: "I'm Wearing the White Dress."

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January passed slowly, really slowly. Apart from Tom Anderson and Oscar Williams becoming permanent fixtures at our lunch table nothing interesting has happened, so I'm not going to bore you guys with details. You'd probably just skip to the next chapter.

February was slow as well, but there was something significant that happened; Jesse finally got the balls to ask Scarlett to be his girlfriend (after a lot of coercing from me).

March, where we are now, has been for the most part boring. Oscar and Tom seem to be there at all our group's meetups out of school, seemingly because Tom is good friends with Blake.

It's weird, he seems quite reserved but when immersed in conversation, actually talks a lot. Plus, he and Blake have a lot in common now that all the other guys have traded in their player lifestyles for a more permanent feature.

Speaking of permanent features, I'm Jack's date to the Spring formal which was announced at the start of the month. Anyway, that brings me to today, on a phone call to Jack on the 17th of March, with Spring Formal only a week away.

"So did you have fun dress shopping, Juliet?" Jack asks through the phone.

"Yeah, but it made me feel fat when I walked past a Victoria's Secret and saw clips from their fashion show while I was eating a Big Mac." This has to be relatable content, right?

"Oh, don't worry, Kat. VS Angels have nothing on you," I hear him tell me through the receiver. I blush madly but don't care as Jack's not here. I don't need to boost his ego.

"You're just saying that because I like you and they never will," I taunt.

He scoffs, "you really think I couldn't get a supermodel to go out with me? They wouldn't be able to resist my dashing good looks and charming personality."

I laugh at his statement. "If that's what helps you sleep at night, Jack."

"No! Why do you think I couldn't score a Victoria's Secret model, Kat?" He practically shouts into the phone with mock offence.

"Because," I tell him, awkwardly fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "You have a girlfriend, and you wouldn't want to end 3 months of happiness."

"God, why do you have to say shit like that when I'm not with you?" He questions.

"Why does it matter?" I reply incredulously.

"Because I can't make out with you on the spot." I giggle at his forwardness, something I always seem to do with Jack.

"But surely that's a problem all the time!" I counter.

"Naturally," he draws out sarcastically. "Wait, Kat. Hold on one second, Damon is screaming at me."

I wait silently for a minute or so, playing with the buttons of my shirt as there is a lack of things to do. I sink further back into the sofa as I patiently wait for Jack's return to the phone.

"Sorry, I'm back now," Jack pulls my attention back to the phone.

"What did my brother want?"

"He was complaining about having to buy a yellow tie to match Roxy's dress for Spring Formal." I laugh, remembering how bright her dress is. She pulls it off fucking well though. "That reminds me, what does your dress look like?"

"I'm not telling you! You'll have to wait and see it on the day, I don't want to shatter the illusion of my mysterious allure," I tell him with a joking scold.

"Alright, fine. Can you tell me what colour tie I should get?" He reasons.

"White," I respond with a smile, thinking about how pretty the dress I got is.

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