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Jesse's P.O.V.

Ylva dumped her half-eaten meal in the trash as soon as the bell rang. She quickly made her way to the exit, not saying goodbye to anyone.

'Ylva, can you just wait a minute," I asked, quickly chasing after her, "can you let me explain."

I maneuvered my way through the crowd to catch up with Ylva, yet she moved more effortlessly than I could. Though we haven't hung out much, I knew where she was headed.

After hearing the news about Aura, I knew she made it her mission to get home to tell Pyro and probably her parents. She wasn't lying when she said she would protect him from anything.

"Ylva, please wait," I begged, something I usually see others do for my attention.

It is a little weird to hear myself begging her to stop, but I had to stop her by any means.

"How can you not remember that you have an arranged mate," Ylva's words were filled with disgust and hurt for what it could mean for Pyro, "after all that time you two spent in that cave, you would have at least remembered that you already have a mate in waiting."

Usually, the times that I have seen Ylva, she is always calm. Now, she was like a raging bull, with no willingness to negotiate.

"Aura is your mate in waiting," Ylva went on to say, trying to keep herself calm, "she flashed those papers that have your family's crest on her. You should have remembered something like that."

She was right. I should have remembered something like that. But it has been years since that night, and a few girls to keep me busy. How would I remember something like that? Besides, it seems my parents forgot about it too, seeing that they were happy to hear I claimed Pyro.

"Pyro," I whispered out loud when I caught his scent, turning to see standing a few feet away.

Walking from out of nowhere, Aura and her bodyguards made their way over to me. She stood a little too close to my wolf's liking.

"You the one he kinds mentioning" Aura went on to ask as she stared at Pyro as if he was her enemy, "I'm Aura future-"

"I heard you the first time," cutting her off, his voice unsteady as he turns his attention on me, "you're Jesse's mate in waiting."

"Pyro," I started to walk over to him, "hear me out'"

I was pushed back by a strong gust of wind coming from Pyro's direction.

"Stay back," he warned as he clutched his fists.

Something was off about him. I noticed that his voice was unsteady as if he was holding back himself.

"Are you o-"

"I won't allow you to hurt my mate," Aura quickly said as she steps in front of me, "do anything like that again. I have no choice to take you down."

"Foolish girl," Pyro grunted in pain as he fell to his knees, "keep tempting my wolf, and she will kill you with no hesitation."

"He's fighting with his wolf for control of his body," Ylva whispered as she moved farther away from me, her eyes stayed on Aura, "stop it before your life as a future alpha comes to an end."

I heard and saw girls fought over me but never had a future alpha and a Goddess. I had a feeling that Pyro's wolf could probably kill her before she made a move.

"Touch a hair on him," Aura quickly put her hair in a low ponytail as if she was ready to fight Pyro, "and you have to answer to me."

At that moment, one of Aura's guards maneuvered from behind me to stand in front of her. I had this gut feeling something terrible was going to happen.

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