Chapter 21: Going Back in Time

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*Lily's PoV*

About 15 minutes later, we made it to Cross Academy. The sun was setting and the moon has begun to slowly show itself. Before going to Cross Academy, we quickly went back to the Adachi residence to get clothes and such before my grandfather got home.

Now, we got out of the car and made our way up the long stairs.

"The Night Class is still at the Ishigaki Islands except for Aido but he won't be back for a bit, so it's just you and I. That is all right with you, correct?"

I blushed. "Y-yeah..."

Of course it is... I still get to be alone some more time with him... I'm just too shy to tell him.

However, the fact that we are going to be separated still bothers me so much.

"I'm happy you're thinking that, Lily. I want to spend even more time with you as well.." He said with a smirk as he held out his hand.

I shyly took his hand and we continued to make our way to the Moon Dorms.

*Itsuki's PoV*
I stood in front of where Kazuki was buried, and saw the stone that was recently placed.

Kazuki Adachi

"A loving husband, father, son, and a dear friend."

Lily said she would forgive me... But if I told her what I did 9,000 years ago as Eiichi, she will surely never forgive me. More likely, she will bear a strong hatred for me if she finds out... An even stronger hatred than before.

I regret what I did the previous night and 9,000 years ago. But what I did 9,000 years ago was to be with her nothing else, however I still feel guilt. Why am I still even feeling this way? Why do I still have this desire to want to be with her despite the fact that I cannot be the one to fill the space in her heart?

"Kazuki... What do I do? The obsession that I had with Kira 9,000 years ago became a disaster. Everything is my fault and I think that Lily will eventually discover the truth..." I said in a regretful tone.

"Oh...Really? What did you do 9,000 years ago, boy? Did you do something unforgivable?" A man said, approaching me.

I slowly looked back and there was Hideki, looking at me with an emotionless face.

"Let's just say I did something terrible. An unforgivable act. My jealousy towards Kaname killed Kira. That same day she was executed... Kaname and my past life clashed. I cursed him, and wished all the worst possible for him. After that day it was erased from everyone's minds. Everything... is my fault. And even after those things that I did, she still forgived me, even after hating me for a time. She told me she couldn't hate me... Because she said I was like family to her... That day she died, she looked at me so kindly..."

I bent down to the ground, banging my hand. All I wanted was to win Lily's heart, to try to get her to notice me as even more than family. 

"If I weren't for me....then..."

"I'm not surprised that you would be capable of something like that. Ever since I first met you on the night of your engagement party to Lily, you looked like the perfect husband figure to her and everyone else, but I studied you very well. In truth, you are a jealous, possessive man that continues to want to be with Lily. You in truth, still want her to take her away from Kaname. Why don't you just get out from your nice, kind shell and show your true self? You still want Lily to become your wife? You still have a desire to kill Kaname Kuran, do you? Just give up. Your "nice boy" act isn't going to work anymore with me. Tell me... what are your intentions, Itsuki?"

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