Chapter 19

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\|/ Ambers POV \|/

"We're back!" I cheered as I walked in the door.

"Hey sweetie! Did you get everything you need?" Calum asked.

"Yep! Now that I have clothes to change into, I'm going to go shower." I took the bag in my hand that contained my outfit, and started walking upstairs.

"Don't go in your room!" Calum said.

"Why?" I asked him in confusion.

"It's a surprise." He giggled.

"Okaaaay... Is anyone in there?" I asked.

"No. Just don't go in there." He ordered.

"Alright." I nodded and continued up to the washroom up here. It's kind of obvious, in my opinion. They're probably painting in there. But if no ones in there, I can go grab something I really need...

I dropped off my clothes in the bathroom and closed the door to make it look like I'm in there if anyone were to come up here. I snuck to my bedroom and went in. Yup, they're painting it. I continued into the bathroom and retrieved my blade from my hidden place.

I snuck out and went back to the main bathroom. I locked the door and stared at myself in the mirror. I rid myself of my clothes and looked again. My black scene hair style was messed up from constantly taking on and off shirts. My eyes were currently a hazel color. My wrists were still messed up... I quickly stopped looking before I started crying.

I turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. After it did, I got in. I did all of my hygeticness and then sat on the floor with the water spraying my body. I opened the curtain enough to grab my blade before retreating my arm back into the warmth of the water.

After I was finished, my wrists were bleeding like crazy. I couldn't hold anything in my jelly hands. I accidentally dropped the blade and it went down the drain. I sat with my arms out so that the water would wash the blood away, and I waited for them to stop bleeding so I could dry off.

When they did, I changed into my black and red flannel and a tank top with ripped black skinnies and the friendship bracelet. I blow dried my hair, brushed, and fixed the part a little.

I put my dirty laundry in the hamper and went to the stairs. I took a couple steps before remembering the fun shortcut. I walked backwards and sat on the railing, sliding down. I jumped off at the end so I didn't hit the wall, and went looking for people.

I found Mattie and Michael talking in the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" I smiled.

"Hey. The lads and I actually have to go do some recording, but we'll be back." Michael told me.

"That's okay. I'll see you later." I gave him a quick hug.

He called after the boys and I heard them leave.

"So how long are you staying here? Not that I don't want you here, I'm just curious." I asked her.

"I have be home by 10 tonight, but I was actually thinking of getting my hair dyed again." She said.

"Oh, cool! What color?" I smiled.

"I'm not sure yet. What color do you think I should get?" She squinted her eyes a little in thought.

"A bright purple would look really good on you." I told her.

"Think so?" She smiled.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I really like the idea." She thought out loud. "I think I might do that. Yep! I'm doing it. So I have to leave here by 6."

"Okay. Well it's 5:45 now so lets make the most of what little time we have left!" I cheered. "Follow me!"

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