The Last Day

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Summer. If someone decided to look the word up in the dictionary, they would find "the season between spring and autumn." But if you asked any person who had to go to the useless place called school, that definition was way off. Summer was freedom from homework, annoying teachers, stupid tests that were pointless to take, and time wasted in detention. It was a time to be able to party every night, sleep-in everyday, and just do everything but think about school. Three months of pure freedom and time to spend with the people you actually want to be around. Summer was basically, a high school kid's heaven. There was only one bad thing about summer, and that was waiting for it.

A pair of piercing blue eyes stared up at the clock on the wall watching the second hand tick. The owner sighs impatiently and runs his hand through his chestnut brown hair. The blue eyes move down and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. 'Five minutes Bolton, you have five minutes.' He looks over to find four girls staring at him on the other side of the room. He smirks and winks at them, and watches as all of them blush. If someone asked a hundred people describe Troy Bolton in one word, the girls would all say "gorgeous" and the guys would all say "awesome".

Troy owned East High. It had to be that way, since he was the basketball captain. Every guy wanted to be like him and every girl wanted to be with him. He even owned the teachers. He always managed to convince them to let him turn in assignments later than the due date. Some people believed that it was because his father was the basketball coach and gym teacher. But others knew it was just because Troy charmed everyone. He could get his way no matter what, and no one would stop him. He turns his head to see his best friend staring at the clock also. Chad Danforth and he had been like brothers since they first met in preschool. Chad turns his own head with a huge afro and grins at Troy. They turn back to see the homeroom teacher, Ms. Darbus, was babbling about something stupid. She was the only teacher who hated Troy, but that was probably because she hated everyone who wasn't in the drama club.

"This summer, I believe you should expand your creative minds by going to the theater or chorus. Summer is a great time to..." Yea, fat chance. Troy tunes her out again and looks up at the clock. One minute to go. He quickly glances around the room to find everyone was staring up at the clock now, gripping their desks. Troy quickly glances over and Chad who grins again then returns his gaze to the clock. Thirty seconds. It was all Troy could think about, getting out of this hell hole. Fifteen seconds. Troy grins and smiles. Five, four, three, two, one. The bell rings.

The whole class erupts in cheers and jump up. Some papers fly everywhere and Chad runs over to give Troy a quick hug. He smiles and feels a random girl jump up into his arms. He spins her around out of happiness and sets her back down again. Another four girls drape their bodies all over Troy. After humoring them for awhile, Troy walks to the door where he finds Chad waiting for him. "Let's get out of here."

The halls were chaos. Everyone was running around, hugging each other, yelling, and the senior's crying. Troy and Chad make their way down to the junior hallway where their lockers were. "Dude, call me over summer. We have to hang out." Most of the guys tell Troy who just smirks, loving the attention. All of the girls, on the other hand, were yelling, "Call me Troy!" He smirks as he walks further down the hallway, feeling like a celebrity. He and Chad finally make it to their lockers, which were next to each other, and grab their gym bags that were inside.

"God, I swear, the next person who wants me to sign their yearbook, I'm going to shoot them." A female voice rings in Troy's ear and he turns his head. Standing next to Chad, opening her locker was a long blonde haired girl with brown eyes wearing a red tank top and gold pants. She grabs her bag and looks up at Troy and Chad. "God I can't wait to get out of here."

"Relax Shar. It's finally summer." A voice from behind her echoes and Troy looks over to see Ryan Evans walk up next to his sister. Sharpay and Ryan were the twins who stared in every musical. Sharpay was defiantly a drama queen and Ryan was a bit mellower. Troy always wondered if it was strange having your brother twin brother hang out in the same group as you, but he shrugs it off. Suddenly, someone wraps their arm around Troy's waist and he looks at a girl with short brown hair beaming up him.

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