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"Careful ok!" Mrs. Montez exclaims as Troy feels her hand grab his arm as he begins to make his way up the stairs. Even though he was fine, the doctor still wanted Troy to spend the night at the hospital just incase something were to occur. But Troy knew that was bullshit and all the doctors wanted was more money, so they kept him. It was now 11:30 AM the next day and Mrs. Montez had brought him home, Troy's head still throbbed and he was feeling dizzy from standing up. His concussion had made him throw up four times last night, but it wasn't anything new to him. He was so used to throwing up at parties after getting hammered, this was nothing special. But his throat did burn like hell and right now all he wanted was to go to his bed and sleep.

He finally reaches the top of the stairs and suddenly sees stars for a moment. His side leans up against the wall to steady himself while Mrs. Montez quickly rushes to his side. "I'm ok..." He says while closing his eyes and wincing from the pain that was erupting from his head. It felt like a bomb had just exploded in his brain, but he would be fine. It was only a few more steps to his room. He could make it with out passing out. His ears were slightly ringing also, and had been ever since he woke up in the hospital yesterday, be he would be fine.

"Come on... you need to lie down." Mrs. Montez exclaims and starts to lead him towards his bedroom. They take one step at a time before they finally get into his room. A blush suddenly erupts on his cheeks as he sees piles of clothes scattered all over the floor. Why would he clean when his parents were gone for four weeks? But Mrs. Montez doesn't seem to notice the boxers that were thrown everywhere since he hadn't done wash yet or the other clothes sprawled out everywhere. Instead, she helps him get to the side of the bed and he gently sits on it, putting his throbbing head into his hands. But he could feel a small smile form on his face when he remembers that the last time he was in this bed Gabriella was with him. "What do you need me to get you?" She asks and Troy looks up at his girlfriend's mother and couldn't help but notice how Gabriella had the exact same frame of face as she did.

Mrs. Montez had indeed called Troy's mom last night while he and Gabriella were alone. He had talked on the phone with his mom later that night, and both parents were upset that neither one of them told them about their relationship. But Gabriella and Troy wanted to wait until the Boltons came home so they could tell them all at once. Gabriella and Chad had stayed until he fell asleep again last night and they were gone when he woke up at 1 AM that morning. Cassie stopped by this morning to talk to him before she went into work also. But he was happy everyone wasn't there. He didn't want to be with everyone. Troy looks at the ground and remembers that he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that Mrs. Montez picked up this morning. He figures Gabriella got it for him. "Um... can you get me those pants?"

Mrs. Montez leans over and picks up the pair of grey sweat pants that Troy was pointing to on the floor. She sets them on the bed next to him and looks back. "Do you want anything to eat? I can get you some soup."

"I'm ok..." Troy responds. "I just wanna sleep."

"Alright. Let me know if you need anything ok?" She says and gently kisses Troy on the forehead. "I'll be downstairs."

Troy nods slowly and watches as she walks out of the room and shuts the door. He sighs and pulls off his t-shirt and jeans while still sitting on the bed. He puts on his grey sweatpants and then leans his head back against his pillow. Something crinkles in his ear and he suddenly throws his hand up to feel a piece of paper. He gently brings it down to see that it was a folded sheet. He opens it up to reveal big blue lettering going across the page.

Hope you're feeling better. I'll stop by after work. I love you. Gabi

A smile plays on Troy's lips as he sees the letter from his girlfriend. He places the letter onto his nightstand and then crawls under the covers slowly. His eyes feel heavy as he closes them and tries to forget about the pounding headache that was pulsing against his brain.

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