Hate When He's Right

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"BOLTON, DANFORTH! The Coffee Room is mobbed! Take orders, now! Chop chop!" Fulton's voice echoes through the kitchen and Troy sighs. He was sitting on the counter, trying to eat his lunch, but that obviously wasn't an option right now. He hops down from the counter and follows Chad out the door with a notepad in his hand and a pen in his other. They walk into the Coffee Room to find a bunch of elderly women sitting there. Sick. He hated old women. They were so... boring. And disgusting, and they really smelled too. He doesn't even bother trying to fake a smile like he usually did. He wasn't up to that. It had been two days since Gabriella accused him of trying to get her fired and he hadn't said a word to her since. Why should he? He tried to be nice, but obviously she thought too low of him. But why did it matter to him anyway? She was so stupid and he didn't give a damn of what she though. At least he thought he didn't.

"Oh look at this one... isn't he handsome." Troy hears a voice break from his trance as he looks down to see an old pruney lady who smelled like carpet staring up at him. He tries to smile to humor her, but it doesn't work. "What's your name sweety?"

"Uhhh..." Troy finds himself at a loss for words as he looks over to see that Chad was getting the same treatment across the room. "Troy?" He says more of a question then an actual answer.

"Well Troy... we'd all like a nice cup of tea." She says and three other old lady's nod.

"Um... ok?" Troy states and the ladies laugh.

"Thank you dear." Troy slowly nods his head, feeling awkward and then just leaves without another word. He tells Zeke then watches as Chad shakes while he enters the kitchen again.

"Dude, I'm gonna kill myself before I become that old." He responds and Troy laughs. "Did you even notice that room doesn't even look like it should hold people over the age of forty?" He says and Troy cocks his eyebrow. What did that mean? That room just looked like a normal room. Didn't it?

"What the hell does that mean?" A voice comes from behind Troy and he watches as Cassie and to his dismay, Gabriella walking toward them. He feels his eyes narrow as the brunette looks down and tries to avoid Troy's gaze. Damn right.

"Where's Tay?" Chad asks and Gabriella points behind her shoulder.

"Fulton had to discuss something with her about one of the activities. Cas and I got the hell out of there before he could stop us too." She says and Troy feels her gaze on him. His eyes narrow again as she stares back at him, but then he moves them away from her. He didn't even want to make a stupid comment to her like before. Why should he talk to her?

"Anyways... what the hell do you mean about that room?" Cassie asks and Chad shrugs.

"I don't know. I just always thought that old people like rockers or shit. That room just looks like..." He stops and thinks for a moment not finishing but Troy smirks.

"It looks like something you'd find at a honeymoon spot. You know... for newly weds to fuck?" He says and thinks about it for a moment.

"He's right." Gabriella says softly and everyone looks at her with their eyes wide.

"Um... what?" Chad says looking at her as if he didn't recognize her. Troy had the same look on his face. She hadn't EVER agreed on something Troy said. It just wouldn't happen at all. But he suddenly remembers how much he hates her, and shakes his head, trying to get rid of the thought.

"Well... he is. I mean..." She says in a quiet voice. "There are leather couches and blankets everywhere. And the fireplace. I mean... someone could have sex right in front of the fire. It could be... I don't know... kind of romantic?" She says in an extremely soft voice and Chad rolls his eyes.

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