Getting Caught

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Gabriella parks her car in her driveway and sighs, thankful to finally be home. She walks inside her house at seven that night and takes off her shoes. She walks further into the house and sets her keys and purse on the table. "Hey Mom." She greets her mother, who had just walked into the kitchen smiling at her only daughter. Her mom was still in her work clothes, but Gabriella knew her shift was over. But with Gabriella's mom being one of the best doctors in Albuquerque, she knew that her mother could be called at any minute to go back to work.

"Hey honey. I'm just about to start dinner." She says and walks over to the stove and turns it on. "So how was work?"

Gabriella shrugs. After meeting the boys while they were playing basketball, the rest of the day was boring. Bradin had hinted that he wanted to eat dinner with her tonight, but she told him she wasn't going to stick around. Troy had gotten off work an hour before she did and was one of the few waiters who was lucky enough to miss the dinner rush. So she really didn't have a reason to stay around. "It was alright."

Her mother smiles and was about to say something else when the small black beeper that was sitting on the counter suddenly goes off. "Hold on." Her mom says as she picks up the beeper and sighs. "It's the hospital, I have to take this." She says as she walks toward the phone and dials a familiar number.

Gabriella sighs. That meant she was on her own for dinner. She sits there for a moment until her mom comes out again, grabbing her purse and keys. "Is something wrong?" Gabriella asks.

"Yes. Someone was just brought in with a heart attack. I'm sorry sweetheart, but I have to go. Are you going to be ok being by yourself for dinner?" Her mother asks as she kisses Gabriella on the forehead. Suddenly, an idea pops into Gabriella head and she smiles up at her mother.

"I think I'll be alright. Bye Mom." She says as her mom walks down the hall and opens the front door.

"Bye honey!" Her mom's voice echoes through out the house and Gabriella hears a door shut. She immediately picks up her own purse and runs into the bathroom quickly to check her hair and make up. Once satisfied with how she looked, she runs toward the front door and locks it. Why should she eat dinner by herself when someone else would be lonely tonight too?

Her strides where huge as she walks down the sidewalk and finally reaches the familiar house that was five down from hers. She walks up to the front door and doesn't even bother to knock or ring the doorbell. She opens the door and steps inside Troy's house. It was silent for a moment so she walks in further to the kitchen. "Troy?"

She suddenly hears footsteps on the stairs and suddenly turns around to see Troy standing there with water dripping down his sculpted muscles and his hair was matted to his head. He had a single white towel around his waist and Gabriella's eyes grow wide as her jaw literally drops from the site. He obviously just walked out of the shower. Troy's mouth forms into a smirk as he raises one of his wet eyebrows. "Like what you see?"

Gabriella suddenly feels the blood rush to her cheeks as she suddenly blushes and turns away. "Sorry... err... I should have knocked." She says awkwardly and glances back to see Troy rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. It's not the first time you've seen me half naked." He says and Gabriella blushes again. Sure, she had seen him all the time in just his shorts, or in a swimsuit. But this was different. Troy was in a towel with water running down his body. She tried her best not to imagine him with out the towel on above her thrusting himself inside her, but that was extremely difficult.

"Well... go get dressed and then we should eat something, cuz my mom's gone." She says all in one breath, still trying to avoid looking at his gorgeous body, but was finding it extremely difficult. Troy's eyebrows move up as he takes a couple steps closer to her and smirks. Gabriella could feel her face get incredibly hot as he finally stops in front of her and leans up against the wall beside her, lacing their hands in the process.

Time Changes EverythingOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara