Was He Good?

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Troy's head was in his arms. He couldn't move, it was physically impossible. His eyes kept closing. What he needed right now was sleep. His body ached, especially his legs and his hips. He could barely move, and right now he was sitting in a white plastic chair in the kitchen, verses in his bed where he wanted to be. But it was a small price he had to pay for last night. Perfect last night. That was all he could think about. Gabriella's perfect body, his lips dancing across her skin, and being inside her. God it was the best feeling in the world. "Dude... You gotta get up."

Troy groans as he hears Chad's voice in his ear. It was just after the lunch hour and he was more tired now then he had ever been with any of the other girls he slept with. But Gabriella wore him out. He had to work with her last night; instead of just making the other girls do it and being there for the ride. He actually wanted to make her feel the way she was making him feel. He wanted her to feel good. He wanted her to be happy. Finally, he stands up and stretches, then rubs his eyes. "I hate you."

Chad rolls his eyes and grabs a notebook. "Whatever. Come on... there are hot chicks outside waiting for you to take their order." He says hands him the small pad of paper.

"I'm telling Taylor you said that." Troy threatens and Chad rolls his eyes again. Troy starts to walk towards the dinning room but Chad puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's take the long way. I gotta ask you something" He says and Troy raises his eyebrow at him. But he follows as his best friend walks the opposite way and holds the door open for him. Troy takes it a deep breath and walks into the room which less than twelve hours ago, he was lying on the ground naked with Gabriella curled up next to him. There was no one in there now, and Troy was pretty sure that no one noticed two blankets were missing. At around seven that morning, they had left the coffee room for the last time and both of them had taken showers, unfortunately, alone. That was the last time he had seen her. He had gotten dressed and Troy had avoided Fulton once he saw his car was parked. Gabriella's car wasn't there after Troy went down to throw the blankets in his own car, since he couldn't find the soap for the washing machine. She must have gone home to get different clothes or see her mom or something. By that time, everyone was starting to arrive so it was like he had just gotten there. Neither Fulton, nor anyone else suspected anything. Or so he thought.

They pass though the coffee room and stop in the room that last night, started everything. He could almost see the imprint that Gabriella's back left when he first kissed her on the wall, but he knew that was impossible. He rips his eyes away from that spot and looks at his best friend who was looking at him curiously. "What's up?" Troy asks.

Chad leans up against the piano. Troy hadn't really talked to him much all day. He hadn't talked to anyone really besides a greeting here and there or something like that. His mind was wrapped around too many things to be talking to other people. "Why weren't you at the party last night?"

Troy's body tenses. Should he tell his best friend? Would Gabriella get mad if he told his best friend? She wanted to keep it a secret before... but is that still what she wanted? "Um... I was busy." Troy says plainly and Chad's eyebrows rise.

"Doing what?" He asks and Troy's body continues to tense.

"What are you... my mother?" Troy asks, as if trying to cover it up.

"Try your best friend. You'd never miss a party." Chad says and crosses his arms. "And why the hell would you be so tired you can barely function?"

Troy nervously scratches the back of his neck. "I was at home and didn't sleep well?" Troy says more as a question then anything. Chad rolls his eyes again.

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