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Gabriella tries to suppress a yawn as she gently opens the garage door to Troy's house and walks inside. She had parked in his garage since she didn't want her mom to drive by and see her car sitting there and know she wasn't with Taylor or Sharpay. Her body was exhausted, and she was pretty sure if she didn't get rest soon, she was going to die of sleep deprivation. Her legs slowly carry her into the living room and she looks around to find Troy wasn't in there. "Troy?" She calls weakly through out the house and randomly drops her purse down on the floor, not even bothering to pick it up. She walks further into the house and looks up at the clock. It was 9:40, so she was late. "Troy?" She calls again and then suddenly feels two strong arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"Hey gorgeous." He says and kisses her neck. Gabriella smiles lazily and turns around in his arms so she's looking into his piercing blue eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt and red basketball shorts. She was happy that he wasn't dressed up or anything, because she was wearing a pink sport's bra, a white beater, and light blue sweat shorts.

"Hey..." She says tiredly and feels his lips on hers. She sighs into the kiss and wraps her arms around his neck. They disconnect their lips and Troy leans his forehead against hers. He looked tense, or nervous about something. "How was the rest of work?"

Troy rolls his eyes. "It sucked." He responds and connects their lips again. Gabriella feels the familiar sparks that ran through her body last night erupting again. "But you're here now. So it makes up for everything." Troy mumbles against her lips and Gabriella rolls her eyes.

"Sucking up much?" She asks and Troy laughs a little. He pulls her closer to him and she closes her eyes, feeling sleep overcome her. "Would you think I was pathetic if I told you I'm tired at 9:45 on a Saturday night?"

Troy laughs again and shakes his head, then leans his forehead against hers again. "No... Because I am too." He says and smiles down at her. "But come on... I got something to show you."

Gabriella cocks her eyebrow at him and smiles. "I'm scared."

He smirks at her. "Well... don't be." He says and Gabriella rolls her eyes. She suddenly feels her feet leave the ground and she yelps a little in shock, but then realizes Troy had picked her up bridal style. She giggles a little and wraps her arms tighter around Troy's neck. "You ready?"

"Where are we going?" Gabriella asks and Troy begins to walk towards the stairs, but she knew exactly where they were going. It wasn't a huge secret. But Troy smirks down at her again.

"You'll see." He carries her up the steps and then carries her into where she knew his room was. The lights were off but she could see a faint glow of something inside. He walks inside and Gabriella feels her breath get caught in her throat. "It's not as good as the coffee room fireplace, but I thought it might..."

Troy's voice was suddenly cut off my Gabriella leaning up and crashing her lips on his. She suddenly completely forgot that she was running on no sleep in the past day. Sitting on all of his different shelves, nightstands, and window sills were little candles lighted perfectly. He walks over to the bed and sets her down softly, not breaking their kiss for a moment. He then gets on top of her and straddles her body. Gabriella finally breaks the kiss for breath. "Why...?" She starts but Troy's lips travel down to her neck, making her moan.

"My dad... bought a shit load of them... for my mom one valentine's day..." He says in between sucks on her neck. "I thought... since we were arguing last night... I'd ease into this night a little better."

Gabriella didn't understand his reasoning's for the candles at all, nor did she care much. It was still amazing how his room looked and she was happy to be there. Troy's lips trail up to her mouth again and his tongue licks her bottom lip, begging for entrance.

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