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3:50 PM. She only had ten minutes left until she could go with Bradin. The pool was extremely full, so Gabriella sits in her lifeguard chair, extremely bored. The days went by quickly when she had to teach a swimming class, or there was an activity that day or something. But unfortunately, nothing had gone on today and she was extremely bored. She had no idea where Bradin and she were going to go to have their picnic, but he had to have some place in mind. Bradin had to seat tables at five thirty, so they really couldn't go anywhere else. But the problem was if they got caught, she knew Fulton would flip.

"Wow." She hears someone say behind her as she stands up and turns around. Standing down below was a guy that looked to be around her age. He had bright blonde hair that was a little longer than Troy's. His eyes were brown and he was wearing what looked to be an expensive polo and shorts. Gabriella could tell automatically that he wasn't a worker there. He dressed too well for that. "You know, if you ever want to give me mouth to mouth for practice, I don't think I would mind."

Gabriella giggles. "Is that the best pick-up line you have?" She asks and he laughs back.

"Well... it was the only thing that could come to my head, since your beauty just blew my mind." He says and Gabriella rolls her eyes. She had heard all this before, and got it quite often actually. Cheesy pick-up lines that were so stupid, but they made her laugh.

"Do I know you?" She asks, trying to be polite, but he shakes his head.

"No... I'm Chase. One of Ryan's friends here." He says and holds out his hand.

"Well, I'm Gabriella." She says and he nods.

"I know... I asked Ryan." He says and smiles at her. "You also go to West High."

She nods. "And you go to..."

"A private school." He responds in a cocky manner. But the strange thing was, it wasn't Troy or Bradin's cockiness. Their cockiness was that they were hot and all the girls loved them. But this guy, it was like he liked to show off how much money he had, or material items. Sure, both ways were bad, but this was defiantly more of a turn off then Troy and Bradin's.

"Cool." She says, since there was nothing else to say. She looks over his shoulder to see John walking over toward her and she feels a smile break out onto her face. "Hey John!" She exclaims and John looks at Chase with his eyebrows raised. He walks next to Gabriella and puts an arm around her.

"So.. Brie... who's your friend?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"This is Chase." She responds and Chase nods.

"Well... I better get going." Chase responds, obviously uncomfortable with another guy standing around her.

"It was nice meeting you." She says while he walks away. Gabriella laughs and turns back to John.

"He seemed like a prick." He says and Gabriella laughs.

"Yea... he just came up to me and tried to flirt with me... it didn't work." She says as John looks down at his watch.

"Speaking of flirt, don't you have a date at 4? Cuz it's 4:05 now." He says and Gabriella rolls her eyes.

"It's not I date. We're just hanging out as frien..." She starts and suddenly she fully comprehends what John just said. "Fuck! I got to go." She says as she starts running in the direction of the building.

"Have fun on your non-date! And don't get caught by Fulton!" John calls back after her as she sprints to reach the doors, praying she wasn't leaving Bradin waiting too long.

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