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Gabriella sighed angrily as she continued to walk down the sidewalk with her mother. She folds her arms and glares at the ground as if it would help the situation, but it was useless. She sighs again and looks down at her outfit. She was wearing a green and black swim suit underneath her jean skirt, a white cami and a pink halter over the cami for the party that she was going to after the baroque. The shirts fit her curves closely and her hair was half up. She knew she looked good, but it wasn't to impress anyone here. The plan was to get out of the Bolton household as soon as possible to get to Sharpay's party. She would just avoid all contact with Troy Bolton as possible. "Can I leave after ten minutes?" She whines as she and her mother continue to walk down the street where they could already see cars lined up. Troy and Gabriella had lived down the exactly five houses down from the other ever since Gabriella had moved to Albuquerque in fifth grade. A long time ago, she loved that idea. Now, she just hated it.

"No, you may not." Maria Montez states and shakes her head. "I don't understand what the big deal is honey. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton love you like their own daughter..." She says and Gabriella suddenly feels guilt form in her stomach.

"It's not them. I love Mr. and Mrs. Bolton." She says and Maria sighs, she knew exactly what it was.

"Troy's a nice boy." She states and Gabriella almost feels herself throw up in her mouth. Troy... nice? Hell no. Troy was the devil, and she couldn't understand why everyone loved him so much. "I still don't understand what happened between you two. You were such good friends."

"High school happened mom." She simply states but Gabriella knew this was not true. It was way more complicated then than high school, but it was something she tried not to think about too much. The two Montez women walk up to the front door and see the sign that said "Come in!" Maria opens the door and Gabriella waits outside for a moment, not wanting to step into the enemy household before her mom rolls her eyes at her.

"Come on Ella!" Her mother hisses and Gabriella takes a deep breath and enters the Bolton house. She had to admit, it was extremely nice, and it always smelled extremely good. This was probably because Mrs. Bolton was known for baking cookies all of the time. There were loud noises coming from further inside the house as the two walk further in. They reach what Gabriella knew was the kitchen and sees the back of a medium sized woman with dark brown hair. The woman turns around and smiles.

"Maria! Gabriella!" Mrs. Bolton says and walks over. "I'm so glad you guys could make it. Here, let me take that for you." She says as she takes the dish from Maria's hands and places it on the counter. She turns back around and smiles at Gabriella, who smiles brightly back. "Oh Gabriella. Gosh, you get prettier every time I see you. Come here." She says as she pulls Gabriella into a hug. Mrs. Bolton had always been like a second mom to Gabriella, even if she did hate her son with a passion. She smiles up at her as Mrs. Bolton looks from left to right, and then drops her voice. "I'm sorry but neither Chad nor his parents could make it tonight, I'm sorry I tried."

Gabriella nods. "I knew he wasn't coming, but thanks anyways." She knew that Mrs. Bolton was well aware that she and Troy didn't get along and always tried to make things more comfortable for Gabriella when ever they would invite her and her mom over. Mrs. Bolton loved her son, but she knew how the two felt about each other, and tried her best to help both kids.

"Gabs!" She hears a voice from behind her and turns around to smile as she sees a tall man with brown hair. "Come here!" Coach Bolton says and Gabriella feels him give her a tight hug. Mr. Bolton lets her go and smiles down at her for a moment. "It's so great to see you."

"You too." Gabriella says beaming up at him.

"So, how's West High treating you? We saw your last track meet, you looked incredible." He says and Gabriella smiles brightly.

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