Because It's You

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Two hours later, Gabriella could feel her hips move with the music as the guy behind hers keeps up with her rhythm. She had to admit, he was a good dancer. He pulled her hips closer to him as the music pumped through her body. Bradin's uneven breaths were echoing through her ear and she was trying to force herself to feel something. She had to. Her mind was trying to make herself fall for Bradin. Everyone else wanted them together. So she should too. But then why could she not help but sneak glances over about thirty feet away, to make sure that Troy hadn't left with London. She could still see his yellow polo moving to the rhythm with London. Gabriella suddenly shakes her head. Her mind was screaming at her to pay attention to Bradin, but she couldn't help but wish that it was Troy's arms wrapped around her waist instead of Bradin's.

She looks over to see that Zeke and Sharpay were both grinding along with Taylor and Chad. The older staff members who were running the party had tried to break that up, but found it was soon impossible, so they left the dance platform and pretended that they didn't see it. She looks around to see Ryan was standing over with a couple of his member friends on the side, with a longing look in his eyes. Again, she feels sorry that he had trouble with girls all the time. "Having fun?" She hears Bradin whisper in her ear.

'No' was her first response in her head. "Uh... yea." She ends up saying and sighs. It was useless. She couldn't force herself to like someone. It was stupid to try and do something that was impossible. There was no way she would like him.

"Bradin!" She hears a voice come from behind the two of them and Gabriella turns around. Both of them stop dancing with each other to see Hailey was standing there with a smile on her face.

"Hey Hailey." He says with a smile on her face and Gabriella watches as she walks over to give him a hug.

"I've been looking for you all night." She exclaims and then looks over to see Gabriella standing there also. "Hey Gabriella."

"Hi." She responds and then turns back to Bradin. "I'm hot, I gonna go get some air." She states and Bradin steps toward her.

"I'll go with you." He states and Gabriella shakes her head.

"It's fine." She says and Bradin has a look of longing in his eyes. "I don't need you." She says and watches as Hailey's eyes light up a little bit more.

"Whatever." He says angrily and Gabriella rolls her eyes. She begins to walk over the platform and makes her way through the crowd over to where Ryan was standing. Her eyes glance over quickly to see that Troy was still grinding with London. His eyes were closed and her hands were over his. Gabriella could feel jealousy rushing through her veins. But it couldn't. She couldn't like him.

"Hey Brie!" Ryan greets her and pulls her into a quick hug. "Great party huh?"

"Yea! It would be even better if you were out dancing with us." She exclaims and Ryan shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of whatever he was drinking.

"Whatever. You know me." He says and Gabriella gives him a look.

"Hey guys." Chad's voice enters her ears as she quickly turns around to see that he, Taylor, Sharpay and Zeke had all made their way over there. Gabriella looks behind the group to see that Bradin was now grinding with Hailey. She figures he would probably take her home, since she would give him what Gabriella wouldn't. She sighs and glances back over to see that the yellow polo was still there.

"He's still here?" Sharpay asks while looking over in the direction that Gabriella was also. "Wow... this is like a record for him."

"Troy hasn't been as... manwhorish lately." Chad says and Taylor rolls her eyes. Gabriella suddenly feels her heart lift a little. Troy wasn't having sex as much? Wait, fucking. She feels a smile come onto her face. 'Stop it!' Her mind yells again. 'Shut up!' Her heart yells back.

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