Yoga Sessions

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Gabriella walks into the kitchen on Monday morning and finds that it was mostly empty. She smiles as a couple people greet her and she looks at the clock on the wall. It was 8:50, and the country club opened at nine, so they'd be arriving shortly. She walks into the girls locker-room to find it completely deserted. She sighs as she slips out of her t-shirt and jeans and puts on her red one piece. She pulls on a pair of white and red shorts and then pulls a white hoodie on also. She looks in the mirror and laughs a little as she realizes she's decked out in East High colors.

She puts her stuff into her locker and then walks back out into the kitchen to see that Zeke and Bradin were standing in a corner talking. "Brie!" Bradin exclaims when he sees her walk out of the locker room and goes over to give her a quick hug. "Where've you been? You didn't go to Joey's party on Saturday."

Gabriella suddenly feels her body tense up and she slowly nods. "Yea... I was... busy." She manages to get out and he gives her a curious look.

"Doing what?" He asks and Gabriella looks around the kitchen as if that would give her the answer.

"Uhhh, Chad, Tay and I went over to Troy's." She says the truth slowly and Bradin's smile falls for a moment, then he tries to recover it like nothing was wrong.

"Really? Sounds err..." He doesn't finish what he's saying. "So... when do you work?" He asks and Gabriella looks up at the clock.

"The pool doesn't open til ten today." She says and watches as he nods with a small smile on his face. She suddenly sees the door open and her stomach flips as she watches her favorite waiter walks in talking with Chad. He looks up at her and gives her his famous Troy Bolton smile, but then his eyes narrow as he sees Bradin talking to her. She tries to give him a look that says 'don't worry about it'.

"Well, when's your lunch break?" He asks with hope in his eyes and she looks over his shoulder at Troy again to see that he was watching her every move. Chad didn't seem to have notice that he wasn't paying attention anymore, because she could see his lips still moving. Gabriella looks back at Bradin who had a hopeful look on his face.

"One-thirty." She responds.

"I have to caddy til 1:45, but do you wanna have lunch afterwards?"

Gabriella could see Troy's eyes flicker at these words, since they were only a few feet behind Gabriella and Bradin. She looks back at the West High basketball captain and shakes her head. "Sorry Bradin. I have to get back to work at two." She lies and he's face falls. She really didn't have to get back to work until two-thirty, but he didn't need to know that.

"Oh... um... never mind then." He says and looks at the clock. "I should...err... get changed." He says and then smiles down at her. "I'll see you later though?"

Gabriella nods and Bradin leans down to kiss her on the cheek. "Yea. Bye Bradin." As soon as he moves out of the way, Gabriella looks over to see that Troy had jealousy written in his eyes. She tries to give him a smile but he quickly shakes his head and walks over to her with Chad.

"I don't know how he doesn't get the hint." Chad says shaking his head. "Whatever. We gotta go change too." He says and pats Troy on the shoulder. He starts to walk into the locker room and Troy stays back for a moment and smiles at Gabriella.

"You're off at one-thirty?" He asks and Gabriella nods.

"Til two-thirty." She responds and he smiles at her. Troy looks around to see if anyone was listening and then turns back to her.

"I gotta run a session in the yoga room at one forty-five." He says with a smirk on his face and Gabriella looks at him skeptically. What the hell did that mean?

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