Hating Hospitals

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"TROY STOP!" Gabriella screams while she watches in horror as her boyfriend and Bradin battle with each other over her. She and the gang were all crowded on the side of them, while they were fighting dangerously close to the edge of the pool, right where the corner was. But Gabriella didn't notice. All she could see was her boyfriend's blood erupting from his mouth and his nose. She could tell his punches were getting weaker with every second that went by, since Bradin had the upper hand right now.

Troy's fist connects with Bradin's nose and Gabriella watches as Bradin doubles back in pain. "You don't give a fucking shit about her!" Bradin screams. Of course he did. He wouldn't be this fight if he didn't! Gabriella knew that Troy was just trying to defend her right now, but this was stupid. It had to stop before something serious happened. Bradin's hand was gripping Troy's shoulder while the other one was throwing punches into his stomach. Gabriella could see more blood erupting from his mouth with each punch. She had to do something.

Her legs move her over so she was next to Troy, trying to figure out a way to rip them apart. But Troy then stands a little straighter and looks up at Bradin. "I FUCKING LOVE HER!"

Gabriella's heart suddenly stops pumping. He just said he loved her. He just said it! It was like all other noise was drawn out from the world as Bradin lets go of Troy and takes a step back. Troy's eyes meet Gabriella's and she stares at him in disbelief. He loved her! He really loved her! A small smile plays on his bloody lips for a moment as her heart was beating faster then anything she could ever feel before. She was too entranced with him to hear Bradin yell "Fuck you!"

But then she suddenly sees Bradin's fist connect with the side of Troy's face. Gabriella's eyes grow into shock. She was pissed; Bradin just ruined her moment for her. She spins around and doesn't see Troy's head connect with the concrete, but she hears the splash of water as his body enters. He would get up, since all he did was fall into the water. At the moment, her anger was built on Bradin. "WHAT THE FUCK? YOU THINK THAT'S GOING TO WIN ME? IT'S NOT!" She screams. "IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK DUMBER THAN BEFORE!"

"Uhh... Gabs..." She hears Chad's voice behind her, but she figures all he's trying to do it get to her calm down. She didn't want to calm down. She wanted to scream at him for ruining the moment Troy just said.

"I'm sorry you're so fucking jealous but I'm with Troy! I've wanted to be with him for so fucking long..." She starts again but is cut off again.

"Gabs..." Chad's voice says again but she holds her hand up.

"Not now Chad..." She hisses as she suddenly hears a couple footsteps behind her. She turns back to Bradin. "You're so..."

"GABRIELLA!" Chad screams and Gabriella turns around angrily.

"WHAT?" She roars and suddenly sees Chad's normally dark face was as white as a ghost. She looks over to see that everyone else was pale and had the same expression on their faces. They were all staring down into the water and Gabriella's heart suddenly stops beating.

Her body immediately spins around and her face pales. Her whole body feels limp as she stares down into the clear pool. At the bottom, in a blurred form, was her love, not swimming. There was a red string of blood coming up and beginning to turn the water red. He legs feel numb as her eyes grow wide. This wasn't happening. "JOHN!" She hears someone scream behind her, but that was what suddenly woke her up from her trance. Her body suddenly feels function again as her instincts take over.

Gabriella suddenly jumps up in the air, forming a perfect dive, and feels her body slip into the water with grace. It didn't matter that she had her clothes on right now, since she changed when she was done with her shift earlier. All she was worried about was getting to Troy. Her eyes open and she suddenly feels the sting from the chlorine hit them like a slap, but she couldn't worry about it now. She had to get to him. He wasn't moving, so that meant he couldn't swim upward. He could drown.

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