I Hate You

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Gabriella pulls on her jean skirt and flattens out her shirt. She plays with her newly cut hair that reached a little past her shoulder, trying to make the loose curls work with her, but they unfortunately weren't. She groans angrily. Why did she never look good when she wanted to? Her eyes look into the mirror for a moment, making sure she looked as perfect as she possibly could. But all she could do was point out her flaws. How the single curl in front wasn't perfectly working or how her red knit shirt didn't make her chest look big enough for her liking. She groans angrily and goes back to the closet, to try and find something better.

"Gabriella? Sweetie?" Her mother's voice echoes in her ears and she turns around to see that she was standing in the doorway. "We need to get going, we said we'd be there fifteen minutes ago."

Gabriella sighs angrily and goes desperately looks through her clothes to find that nothing was good enough. "I look like sh..." She starts to say but then catches herself. "Like crap. You and Daddy can go and I'll walk over."

Her mom laughs a little and then walks to her and grabs each side of her face. "You look fine. Besides, it's just a welcome home dinner for Troy. You don't need to dress up."

Her mother was wrong. Troy had been gone three weeks for his basketball camp and she needed to look her best. He had called her twice throughout the whole camp. Once on the first night he was gone and once after a week. She was terrified that he had met someone else, since it was a girls and boys basketball camp. She had been stuck at home, participating in a volleyball camp for a week while he was gone. And she had missed him like crazy. "Mom, please." She begs but her mom shakes her head.

"Dad can't say that long. We're lucky he's even going." She says and Gabriella sighs. Her father had gone to the hospital seven more times since the first time the day she kissed Troy. After the fourth time, it wasn't as scary anymore. She knew he would come home the next day, so she didn't have anything to worry about. Or so she thought.

"Fine." Gabriella pouts and looks in the mirror one more time. Her mother gives her a look and then she sighs. "Coming." She says as they make their way down the stairs and find her father lying on the couch.

"Jose, we're ready." Gabriella's mother says and Gabriella watches as her father gets up off the couch and tries to give both of them a smile. The color had drained from his face and he looked sickly thin. He was bald from the chemotherapy, but he still managed to try to keep a smile on his face.

"Alright. Let's go." He says and they walk out the door slowly. Even though it was five houses down, they had to take the car because Mr. Montez didn't have the strength to walk that far. Mrs. Montez had told him that he shouldn't even be going to this welcome home dinner, but he refused saying that he wouldn't miss seeing his favorite basketball player for the world. Gabriella knew deep down that he was afraid it might be the last time he would see Troy.

They park in the driveway and Mrs. Montez grabs a dessert from the back seat where Gabriella was sitting. She gets out of the car and sighs, looking up into the room that she knew was Troy's. It had a light on, and she suddenly feels her stomach flip. Fear spreads throughout her body again. What if he realized their kiss was a mistake? What if he met someone else? What if he realized he didn't want her anymore? They weren't dating, but Gabriella knew they were on the brink of it when he left. All he had to do was ask her, and they'd officially be a couple. That was, if he still liked her.

The nerves were officially settled in as Mrs. Montez rings the doorbell and waits. Seconds felt like hours to Gabriella. Suddenly, the door creeks open and Mrs. Bolton stands in the doorway.

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