Food Fight

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"Be good ok?" Jody Bolton says as she kisses her son on the forehead. Troy smiles up at his mother who he could see had a tear starting to form in her left eye. "I don't want to get any calls while we're in Germany saying that you've burnt the house down or anything like that ok?" She says and hugs her son tightly. As soon as Troy had come home from work at noon, he had helped his parents finish packing as they went over the rules and everything. They were now standing in the kitchen with the suitcases in the car saying goodbye for a month. Mrs. Montez was standing off to the side a little bit as the family was bonding for one more time.

"Don't worry Mom." He says as his mother pulls him into a hug again.

"Gosh, Jack maybe we shouldn't go." She says as Troy pulls away from her and she looks at her husband. "I don't know if we should leave him." She says and Troy suddenly feels his stomach drop. Yea, he was going to miss them, but he really couldn't wait for them to get out.

"I'll be fine. It's only for a month... and besides..." He says and looks at his mother. "Grandpa and Grandma are just a phone call away." He says and Mrs. Montez walks over and puts a hand on Troy's shoulder.

"Don't worry Jody. I'm here if Troy needs anything." She says and Troy smiles up thankfully at her. He glances at the clock to see that it was already 2:55. They had to leave for the airport at three.

"Ok... alright." Mrs. Bolton says and then gives her only son one more huge hug. "I love you." She says and kisses Troy once again.

"Love you too Mom." He says and watches she wipes another tear that was trying to fall down her face.

"Be good alright?" He says and pulls Troy into a hug. He then brings him around and pats him on the shoulder. "And I want to see your game is twenty times better when I get back." He says jokingly and Troy rolls his eyes.

"I'll work on that." He says and watches as his mother had tears in her eyes. They were only going away for a month, not forever. But Troy knew it was because it would be the longest she would have ever been away from him. He knew since he was her only son, it was harder for her then it would be if he had siblings.

"Thank you so much Maria." Mrs. Bolton says to Gabriella's mom and then sighs. "Ok... you ready?" She asks Coach Bolton who nods and picks up a small backpack that would be their carryon and Mrs. Bolton picks up her purse. "We'll call you when we land ok? And if you need anything, call Maria alright?" She says and kisses Troy's cheek one more time. "Goodbye Troy."

"Have fun." Troy responds and Mrs. Montez waves as the two Boltons walk out of the house as the door shuts. They both walk toward the window to watch as Troy's dad and mom get into the car and drive off, waving. Troy sighs and Mrs. Montez laughs a little. He looks at her and realizes she had the same laugh that Gabriella did.

"I think you're mom was a little nervous." She says and Troy shrugs.

"It's not everyday you get to tour Europe." He responds and Mrs. Montez nods and walks ove to grab her purse. It was the first time Troy actually noticed that she was dressed up to go to work.

"I hate to leave you alone right away, but I need to get to work by three-thirty." She says and Troy nods. "Are you going to be ok alone?" She asks and Troy nods smiling.

"Yea... I'll be fine." He says as Mrs. Montez walks over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek, just like his mother would do.

"Ok... if you need anything, call the hospital; I'll be there til midnight. And Gabriella said she'd be home by six-thirty, so you can call her if something comes up too." She says and Troy's eyes shoot up. Gabriella would be home alone. And all of their friends were still working. Troy tries to hide the smile that was starting to grow on his face. They could be home, alone, in an empty house. But then he remembers how much she freaked out when he tried to finger her. So he couldn't make a move, or she'd freak out again. Even though he wanted to so badly.

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