Moving On

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Sweat ran down Gabriella's back as she moved into position. "MINE!" She screams as the bright white ball falls from the heavens and connects with her hand. She watches as it screams through the air and lands with force on the other side of the net with a slam. A smirk erupts on her face as she turns back to see that the other girls were smiling brightly at her. She tightens her high ponytail while adjusting her spandex that were on her thin legs, so short that the white scar sitting on her upper right thigh on an angle could be shown, and she didn't try to hide it, for the first time in her for years of playing volleyball.

"Nice spike Montez." Her coach yells as she looks around to intake the blue and gold interior of the gym. A smile creeps onto her face as she gets back into position and watches as the other team serves. The ball soars into the air as one of her teammates bump it, then another sets it, putting her into position again to spike it. It comes down with such force and lands on the other side so hard the other girls barely had time to look at it.

A whistle blows and Gabriella turns her head to the side to see that her coach was calling all of them over. "Holy shit Brie, what did the summer do to you and why are you like amazing?" One of the juniors asks her and she shrugs her shoulders, knowing that the summer did a lot to her.

"Great practice today ladies." The coach says and Gabriella looks up at the clock to see it was 4:30 PM. "You guys looked great out there, especially for it being the first day of school. You'll definitely be ready for the game against East next week." Another small smile creeps onto Gabriella's face when she says their rival school. "Alright, keep it up!"

That was their cue to head towards the locker rooms. Gabriella looks around to see everyone was so excited for the first game that just so happened to be against East High next week. Everyone else was excited to be able to play against them, but their captain was just as excited to see who would show up at that game. "So what'd you do this summer?" One of juniors on the team asks Gabriella, who just shrugs.

"I worked a lot. Then in August I went camping with some of my friends." Gabriella exclaims with a smile creeping on her face, remembering going camping with Taylor, Cassie, Sharpay, and Hilary for a weekend. They had "just so happened" to be going on the same weekend that the guys were going also. Another smile creeps onto her face when she remembers sharing a tent alone with her favorite basketball captain.

"Sounds like fun!" The junior exclaims as they make their way into the locker room. Gabriella walks up to her locker and changes back into the jean skirt and white three-quarter length knit with a pink cami underneath that she wore for her first day of school. "The working had to suck though."

Gabriella finds herself laughing a little. "Actually, it wasn't bad." She says with a smile. Knowing that things wouldn't have turned out the way they did if she hadn't worked. She then closes her gym locker and takes her ponytail out. "Nice job today." She says and then starts to walk towards the exit. "NICE JOB LADIES!: She yells, just as a captain would, and then walks out the locker room to make her way to her locker.

She walks up the steps and turns down a hallway, with a sudden smile growing on her face. There was a figure standing where her locker was. She walks with a brisk pace over towards him and smiles as he bends down to reach something on the lower level of his locker. "Hey." She says in his ear and his body suddenly jumps and almost slams into the open locker door.

"Fuck Brie." Bradin says and stands up fully. "You almost gave me a fucking heart attack."

Gabriella giggles a little. "Sorry... will you ever forgive me?" She asks while he rolls his eyes.

"I guess I have to." He says with a smile and gives her a quick hug. "So... good first day?"

It was Gabriella's turn to roll her eyes at this comment. "If the first day of school could actually BE good." She says and Bradin nods as she spins her own lock that was sitting right next to his. "Oh well, at least it's better then Fulton."

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