Shocking Answer

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Troy was sitting in the coffee room, on one of the couches with his mind wrapped around a million things. It was Wednesday and he had barely talked to Gabriella since Chad walked in on then on Monday. Yesterday it was almost as if she was avoiding him. But that was so weird, because it wasn't a big deal or anything. At least not to Troy. So what if Chad knew? It wasn't the end of the world. But Troy knew differently. Even though she wouldn't admit it to him, Troy knew why Gabriella didn't want anyone to know. Because then she'd feel like his bitch, which she wasn't. He knew Gabriella was afraid that people would think of her as a slut or as just one of Troy's bitches. But she wasn't. She meant way more to him than that. He knew he was falling in love with her. It had to be, since she was all he was ever able to think about. He had never felt this way about another girl before, well, besides when he fell for her the first time. But he wanted her to be his, and no one else's.

He sighs and places his head in his hands. Why did she have to make everything so complicated? His life goal before was basically, become a famous basketball player and find happiness in fucking. But now... all he wanted was Gabriella. She was so irresistible, and every time he was with her he just wanted more and more of her. It was driving him insane. He had to do something soon or he was pretty sure he was going to explode. He wanted her, and he wanted her so bad.

Troy hears the door that was leading into the room with the piano open but he keeps his head in his hands. He suddenly feels two hands grab his own and remove them from his face. For a moment, his heart leapt at thoughts of it being Gabriella, but he suddenly sees London kneeling in front of him. Troy does everything in his power not to groan as she smirks up at him. "Where've you been? I haven't seen much of you and I missed you."

Troy half smiles at her but makes sure she lets go of his hands. "Around." He says even though he really wanted to tell her to back off because he wanted Gabriella, and not her. She was just wearing a yellow swimsuit top and a white skirt on.

"You look stressed out." She says and sits down next to him, drawing a circle on his shoulder. He stares off into space again, wishing badly that it was Gabriella doing this and not London, but he sighs as she talks again. "Anything I can help with?"

Troy glances at her and stands up. "No." He states coldly and starts to walk towards the door.

"Troy I'm worried about you." She says and that makes him stop right in front of the kitchen door. "You don't seem like yourself."

It was true. Troy wasn't himself anymore. He wasn't the same player that he had been since high school started, but he suddenly realizes that maybe that wasn't who he was. Because he was now acting like the Troy before Gabriella's dad died. Maybe that was the real Troy and the fake Troy was the player who slept with everyone. But that was wrong too. They were both just two sides of him that made him whole. He just had to work out a way to figure out how to put both parts of him back together. And he knew that Gabriella was the only way that was going to happen. "Shit happens." He says coldly and then walks through the kitchen doors, leaving London behind.

He walks in and suddenly feels his stomach flip as he sees the West High basketball captain talking with Gabriella in the middle of the kitchen. Bradin was laughing at something and Troy could see the fake smile on Gabriella's face. He suddenly remembers what Zeke had said on Monday about Bradin upping his game when it came to Gabriella. He wasn't going to be the stupid jealous guy though, because that would only make her in control and he knew that Gabriella didn't have any feelings for the guy. "Don't worry about them."

Troy suddenly turns to see Chad standing next to him. "I'm not." He says coldly and sighs. "She's allowed to screw around with someone else too. We're not official." He says even though he wanted to be.

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