Lava Springs

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Troy pulls up in his black Infiniti and waits for the gates to open. Once they do, he drives around the circle driveway until he sees a sign that says "Employee Parking". He follows this path down a hill and finds a small handful of cars sitting there. After finding a parking spot, he looks over to see that Chad, who had been following him to this place, parks next to him and gets out of his own red car. Troy sighs and opens the door and turns to his best friend. "Fuck! These people have more money then Bill Gates!" He yells and Chad laughs at his expression.

"Dude, it's a country club! What do you expect?" He asks and they walk back up the hill. The day after the party, Chad had told Troy about how Taylor and Gabriella were going to apply at a job at the Lava Springs country club. After some begging, he convinced Troy to let them apply also. They had an interview the next day, since Sharpay set it up for them, and now it was Monday, their first day of work. He also remembered his favorite cousin Cassie was working here also. It couldn't be THAT bad... could it?

They get to the top of the hill and walk inside. Troy was wearing kaki shorts and an orange t-shirt with Abercrombie written on the chest, and he felt extremely underdressed suddenly. The lobby was huge, with a water fall fountain in the center. He walks in further to see the front desk in all oak and the floors were hardwood. There were paintings everywhere and the two best friends walk up to the front desk.

"Hi. I'm Chad Danforth. This is Troy Bolton. We just got hired here..." He starts as the lady at the front desk looks up from her magazine. She had pale skin and dark brown hair, which made her skin look even paler. Her nails were bright pink and she looked to be about 22. She puts on a fake smile and pulls out two blank manila folders, handing one to each of them.

"Fill the forms out in here. Then go into the kitchen." She says and eyes Troy up with a smirk on her face. Troy reflexively winks and they walk away. Chad hits him on the head with his manila folder.

"You're a man whore, you know that right?" Chad states and Troy rolls his eyes. They sit down on a bench and fill out the papers. When they're done, they get up and walk toward the place that the girl at the front desk directed them. They make their way into the dining room that was huge. It had fake trees scattered through out and was in the shape of an "L". There were tables built for just two, four, eight, even twelve people. It was basically a restaurant. It was empty, and Troy figures that was because it was only 9 AM. He assumed it would be more crowded for lunch. They walk toward the door that was labeled "Kitchen" and swing it open.

"Troy! Chad!" They hear someone exclaim and look over to see Zeke waving them over. He was standing with Bradin and Troy felt his eyes roll. "Hey guys."

"Hey Chad." Bradin says and then glares at him. If there was one person he hated more then anyone else, it was Bradin. He didn't even hate Gabriella. Actually, most people would be surprised to know that he thought she was one of the hottest girls he had ever met. But everyone just assumed Troy hated her because he was so mean to her. He didn't hate her; he just liked to get under her skin. He loved watching her squirm and blow up at him. Otherwise, she wouldn't talk to him. But anyways, he and Bradin never got along. They were too similar and Troy had started hating Bradin ever since eighth grade when they both had a crush on the same girl since they went to the same middle school, along with Chad, Sharpay, Ryan and Gabriella.

"I can't believe we got these jobs. I'm hoping that the manager puts me as helping the chief." He says and Troy smiles. Zeke would someday open his own restaurant he was so good at cooking. "Plus, I get to see my girlfriend everyday!"

"Aren't you lucky?" Bradin and Troy say at the exact same time and then glare at each other for thinking the same thing.

"Wow... that was creepy." Chad says which makes them only glare harder. But Troy knew they weren't the same, not even close. Bradin might have been nicer to other people, but Troy deep down was nicer to his friends. He would always be above Bradin in everything he did. He was better at basketball, and track, his two main sports. Even though Bradin was captain of the West High baseball team, Troy could still play better even though he didn't even play. What most people didn't know about Troy was how smart he actually was; he just never turned in any assignments. What was the point? He'd get a scholarship anyways. Why should he try in school?

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