Grilled Cheese

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Gabriella watches as the sun begins to go down in the horizon. Her shift was almost up, and the other life guard would take over for the rest of the night. For the past week since she had worked there though, whenever her shift was over, she just hang around since all of her friends were here anyways. Her eyes scan the empty pool. No one was here because it was almost 6, which meant dinner would be served soon. The first week at Lava Springs had actually been really good. She loved her job, and most of her coworkers. Overall it was going well. She gets up off her chair and walks down the steps toward the top section of the pool. Her foot dips in as see feels the perfect temperature against her skin. Her eyes close as she feels the calmness of the air, the water, and just everything.

"You look like your gonna orgasm or something." A voice says from behind her. She quickly turns around and looks to find a guy with jet black hair that was spiked up was standing behind her. He was extremely muscular and his eyes were so dark that they almost looked like they could be black. His skin was tan and his nose was so small that it was almost like he didn't have one. He was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and red swim trunks.

"Sorry." She says and laughs because she had just realized there was nothing to be sorry for. "It was very peaceful, until you came along."

"Well, you should be happy, because your shift is over." John Greenfield, the other lifeguard, tells her. "So you can get the hell out of here, because I don't want to look at you anymore."

Gabriella giggles. John made the job a lot more fun. He went to U of A and needed money for tuition. They were the only two lifeguards but that was ok. She thought John was hilarious, and he could make her laugh by just saying the dumbest things. "Oh thanks." She says jokingly and John puts an arm around her.

"Kidding, I'm kidding." He says and then lets go of her. "But seriously... get the hell out of here because if Fulton sees you he'll probably yell at me for making you work longer than you have to. God, I swear he's in love with you."

It was true. Gabriella was the only one Fulton was actually nice to. She had no idea why, but she wasn't complaining much. "Well then I'll get going. I'll see you later." She says and starts to walk away.

"Bye Brie!" He yells and then Gabriella waves. She strolls into the country club and walks in a different way than she normally would because she didn't want to go through the dinning room in just a swimsuit. The first room she walks into is closest to the pool. It was the yoga room, or as she knew Troy called it, "the fucking room". Sharpay and Zeke went in there all the time to mess around and she also knew that Taylor and Chad had gone in there a couple times. It was a little creepy, since so many members actually went in there to do yoga. It was lined with mirrors on one side and Gabriella looks down to see a small white stain on the floor. Her eyes grow wide as she quickly runs out of the room.

The next room she walks into was connected to another room that led out to the golf course. There was a large window in the back that showed the golf course. The floors were wooden and the walls were a soft cream color which looked like they had cracks in them. There were fake rocks in the room with flowers and a couple of bright paintings. She continues walking and opens a door into the final room before the kitchen.

This room was completely closed off. Fulton called this the Coffee Room. That was because some of the older guests would sit in the room and drink coffee around 11. It had a large patterned rug on the floor. The walls were exactly like the room that she just walked into and it also had fake rocks. There were palm trees painted on the walls. There were chairs and small couches lining the walls, each with a blanket on the top of them. In the center, were two small leather couches facing each other and a big leather couch facing a fireplace. Since it was night, the fireplace was working and she could hear the crackling noises of the wood inside. She walks to the right and goes through the door that led to the kitchen.

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