Not Yet

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"You have no idea how happy I am for you guys." Taylor exclaims for the fiftieth time that night. Gabriella feels a blush erupt on her face as Troy pulls her body closer to him, if that was even possible. Her feet were sinking further into the sand and she could see it erupt through the spaces in between her bare toes. It was now Wednesday, and they were at the Evans' beach house, but there wasn't a party. Instead, the gang, minus Bradin, was all hanging out there. Gabriella faintly remembers Bradin telling her that Hailey invited him to some other party, and he apologized for not being with her. Not that Gabriella cared much. She had other people to worry about. "You two have to be the most adorable thing ever!"

Troy's arms continue to stay around her waist from behind as she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck. They had told everyone last night at work that they were officially going out and everyone was extremely happy for them. That is, everyone except for one. It just so happened that the person wasn't there at the moment. Bradin didn't know. And neither Troy nor Gabriella really wanted to tell him at the moment. She figures that even though Troy probably would have given anything to gloat in Bradin's face about it, he had promised that he wouldn't get into any fights. Which was exactly what Gabriella was afraid of. She was sure that the second Bradin found out about them, he'd go after Troy. She was sure of it. "For the fiftieth time Tay, thanks."

Chad rolls his eyes at his girlfriend and shakes his head. "Tay... we've all said congrats... they know they're cute...don't give Troy a bigger head then he already has."

Gabriella giggles and she tilts her head back to see Troy's jaw drop. "Hey! It's not that big!" He says and all nine of them give him the 'you've got to be kidding me' look.

"Yea sure." Cassie says sarcastically. "Then what's 'What do you expect? I'm Troy Bolton'!" She says and laces her fingers with John, who was standing next to her. "You've got the biggest head I've ever seen!"

Gabriella giggles again and Troy looks down at her. "What the hell are you laughing at?"

She shrugs. "The fact that it's true."

He looks down at her like he's offended and Gabriella smiles sweetly at him. He sighs and connects their lips lightly, while Gabriella hears wolf-whistles from the guys. "Get a room!" She could hear Chad yell and their lips part, but all Gabriella wanted was to return them back to where they belonged.

"So... your parents should be coming back soon, right?" Ryan asks Troy and Gabriella feels him nod behind her.

"Yea... next week Tuesday." He replies.

"I'm sure you'll be happy when they come back." Hilary says and Troy shrugs. Hilary had become just as much a part of their gang as everyone was. She went to a private school about fifteen minutes away from West High. She also had a younger sister around 12 years old. Gabriella really liked Hilary a lot, and was still ecstatic that Ryan found someone great for him.

"I don't know. I miss them but..." He trails off and looks down at Gabriella.

"He just likes having uninterrupted fuck sessions with Gabs." Chad explains and Gabriella feels herself blush.

"We don't have fuck sessions!" She tries to defend herself but Chad rolls his eyes.

"Sorry... SEX sessions."

Gabriella feels a blush on her face again as her eyes connect up with Troy's once again. They hadn't had sex since the night in the coffee room yet, but she knew they both of them were itching to do it again. "Whatever you say Chad." He says and connects his lips to the top of Gabriella's head.

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