Just Trying To Help

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"About time you showed up." Bradin's voice echoes in Gabriella's ear while he wraps his arms around her. She smiles up and him and then looks around to see Sharpay and Zeke were already in the pool, while Chad was about to dive off the diving board. Gabriella had just arrived at David's a few moments ago. She looks down to see Taylor was sitting in a lawn chair with Ryan sitting next to her. Her eyes scan for another body though, as she tries to find the certain chestnut-brown-haired-bright-blue-eyed boy. She finds herself unsuccessful though. "I almost didn't think you were gonna make it."

"I had to stop at home first." She says as she strips off her tank top to reveal her white bikini top. She felt relieved that she could actually go swimming with out having to wear her ugly one piece. She then slips off her white skirt and looks down to see the white scar sitting on her leg. She reflexively places her hand over it, so it would maybe be less noticeable.

"Brie!" Ryan exclaims and gets up to pull Gabriella into a hug.

"Hey Ryan!" She responds and lets him hug her again. Her eyes drift to see Bradin looking extremely jealous. Not that it mattered, she and Ryan were just friends. Plus she didn't like Bradin. "So... not in the pool yet?"

Ryan shakes his head as they watch Chad do a cannon ball into the water. "Nah. I'll let them handle that." Gabriella giggles at his comment. She suddenly hears a bunch of cheers and looks over to the other side of the pool.

"BOLTON!" Everyone yells and Gabriella could see Troy walking over in a black t-shirt and his light blue swim shorts. He strips off his shirt and Gabriella can't help but stare at his perfectly sculpted abs. His body was perfect, and she knew that. He had always had a perfect body, but it had just gotten better as he got older. Her mind wonders what it would feel like to run her fingers over the perfectly sculpted muscles. 'Stop it'. Her mind suddenly says when she realizes what she was thinking. That was stupid.

Troy smirks as he walks up to the diving board and copies Chad's move. Everyone cheers and Gabriella notices how amazing Troy looked wet. 'Don't!' She screams at herself and suddenly feels her own body being picked up bridal style. She screams from the shock and looks back to see that Bradin was holding her smirking. "Don't you dare Cunningham!" She yells as she kicks her legs to try and loosen the grip he had on her. Bradin walks to the edge of the pool and everyone looks up at them, cheering to make him throw her in. She looks down to see Troy's eyes on her, smirking also.

"Mmm... when have I ever listened to you?" Bradin mocks her and Gabriella shakes her head.

"Listen to me now!" She orders and Bradin shakes his head.

"I'd rather not." He says as she suddenly feels herself leave Bradin's grasp. She feels a slap against her back as she hits the water and suddenly feels herself reflexively holding her breath. She swims up to the surface and moves the wet hair out of her eyes.

"You're dead Cunningham!" She screams as Bradin laughs up on the deck. She feels herself drift backwards a little bit and then feels herself run into a slippery body behind her. "Oh God, I'm sorry." She says as she turns around and suddenly connects eyes with Troy.

They stare at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say... like normal. She didn't want it to be like this. She would have much rather taken him making fun of her all the time than ignoring her. So she opens her mouth to begin to apologize for accusing him of trying to get her fired. "Troy, can we tal..."

She suddenly feels her mouth fill up with water and a wave crashes over her head. The current pulls her under and she feels herself move a little bit. When she returns to the surface, Bradin was laughing in the water and everyone else was cheering for him. The current had moved her over more toward the shallow end and she sees Troy return up to the surface again in the deep end. He looks around the pool, searching for something, and then his eyes lock on her again. He begins to swim toward her when she suddenly sees a brunette grab his arm and pull him to her. Gabriella recognizes it immediately as Courtney and feels fire run in her veins. She sees Troy's head turn back to her and he tries to swim out of Courtney's grasp but Gabriella suddenly feels two hands wrap around her waist. "You have to admit that was hilarious." Bradin says in her ear and Gabriella feels extremely annoyed. She looks over again at Troy who was looking at her but then he suddenly turns back to Courtney.

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