In Denial

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Troy wanted Gabriella. And he wanted her bad.

He shuts his locker and walks toward the showers with a white towel around his waist. The locker rooms each had their own private showers, with a curtain around each one so you couldn't see the other's guys' junk. Troy was thankful for that. He looked next to him to see Chad was walking up next to him. "Hey man, that wasn't so bad for not getting your ass on the school team." Chad says even though both of them knew Troy would probably be just as good as Chad or Ryan. They had just ended the game an hour and now the guys were all gonna shower before they would go to the party that was for the staff.

"Thanks man." Troy responds and then walks up to an empty shower. He steps inside and draws the red floor length waterproof curtain around and drops the white towel from around his waist and hangs it up on a towel rack behind him.

"So what the fuck is going on with you and Gabs?" Chad asks and Troy feels his stomach drop. He grabs a bar of soap that was sitting on the towel wrack and begins to rub the sweat off his body. The cold water felt good against his hot skin as he tried to cool down.

"What do you mean?" Troy asks even though he knew exactly what Chad meant. It was the wink he gave her, and then dedicating his homerun to her. The other guys were talking about the game with each other, both from the East and West High team, so Troy is positive that no one was listening to what they were saying.

"You never answered my question from before." Chad states and Troy thinks about that for a second while continuing to rub his chest with the bar of soap.

"What question?" Troy asks and he could hear an eruption of laughter from the guys in the other showers.

"If you wanted to fuck Gabs." Chad says and Troy almost drops his bar of soap. 'Yes' is his immediate thought in his head. He couldn't explain it at all, but she was all he was thinking about. Why couldn't she get out of his head? Oh yea, that's right. Because she was Gabriella Montez. She was irresistible.

"Well, she's a girl... so I mean... I guess she'd be good..." He rambles and then suddenly hears Chad laugh beside him.

"Dude, you like her." Chad exclaims.

"No I don't!" Troy defends himself. "I don't fall for girls, I fuck them." He states and Chad laughs again.

"You defiantly like her." Chad says again and laughs. "Dude! Do you know how hot you guys would be?"

Troy knew. He closes his eyes and suddenly could picture himself with sweat dripping down his back and Gabriella moaning his name. He imagines himself kissing down her perfectly shaped body, finding out what she tasted like, and then thrusting himself inside her. Troy suddenly opens his eyes back up again. He could feel himself starting to harden, but he tries to push away the thoughts of Gabriella. He couldn't get a boner now, since he had left his clothes in his locker. He turns the shower off and desperately tries to think of something to turn himself off. His grandma in a bathing suit, but he just thinks of Gabriella in her bikini instead. His mom's ugly cushions in the living room, but then he suddenly sees himself laying on top of Gabriella while she was pushed up against the cushions. Why was this so hard?

After another minute, Troy finally calms down and wraps his towel around his waist again. He moves the curtains to see Chad standing behind them with his afro already starting to form again, even though he just got out of the shower. "Gabi and I are just friends."

"Don't lie to me man." Chad states and they begin to walk back toward their lockers. "I know you like her. I can tell." He says and opens his locker.

"Dude... I haven't actually liked a girl since... since..." Troy couldn't even remember the last time he felt this way about a girl. "We've only been talking again for like five days, it's impossible to go from hating someone to liking them in less than a week."

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