Our Room

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Why was this so damn hard?

Oh yea, cuz she already turned him down once.

"Here's your drink." Troy says while he places the iced tea down next to a middle-aged woman who was gossiping with the woman sitting next to her. She doesn't even take a second glance at Troy and just grabs her drink. He rolls his eyes and stands up full way again. He sighs and looks up at the empty lifeguard chair at the top of the pool. It was 10 AM on that Monday morning and Troy was going insane. He couldn't stop thinking about how he messed things up on Saturday night. The original plan was to ask her out that night. That was why he really had the candles out, but after a half hour of making out with her, Troy knew that there was no way he could. She was so tired that if he did, she could respond with an answer she really didn't mean. But this sucked, because now he couldn't manage to get the words out.

Yesterday morning, he had planned to make her breakfast in bed, and ask her then, but the gang HAD to show up. Then, while they were at the Evan's house, Troy and Gabriella were sitting on a beach chair together, and he was going to ask her then, but Sharpay decided at that moment that they were all going to play chicken, so he chickened out. Why was it that fate wasn't on his side right now? He was pretty sure that she'd say yes this time, but he still wasn't quite sure. What if she turned him down again because she STILL only wanted to be friends with benefits? What if she still couldn't trust him?

Troy sighs angrily. How could Gabriella do this to him? He was Troy Bolton. Troy Bolton! He wasn't afraid of anything. So why was Gabriella always his weakness? Troy sighs again. It was because she was the only girl who he actually loved. Everyone else meant nothing to him. She meant everything.

His feet carry him over to the other side of the pool where he could see the almost black-haired girl skimming everything out. He had to ask her out soon, otherwise it was going to eat him up from inside. He walks over and Gabriella suddenly turns around, probably hearing his footsteps. A smile erupts on her face. "Hey you."

Troy feels a smile grow on his own face. "Hey." He says. His mind suddenly makes a decision. He was going to ask her out, today. He had to. "So um..." He starts and looks around. No one was near them, so this would be fine. He takes a deep breath and smiles. "I gotta ask you something."

Gabriella cocks an eyebrow in the way that Troy thinks is adorable. "Ok..." She says slowly and Troy takes another deep breath. What if she said no to him... again? His nerves were kicking in. There were flying saucers in his stomach. But he had to do this.

"Alright... I've been thinking... and I hope you have too... and I know you said no... but I was wondering..." He says and watches as Gabriella's face lights up. That was a good thing right? He suddenly remembers that he needs to breathe again. "Do you..."

"BRIE!" Troy closes his eyes angrily. Someone had just interrupted his moment, again, and that someone was the last person Troy wanted to see. He opens his eyes again to see Gabriella looking up at him with the same expression on her face. Troy turns around to see the spiked blonde haired green eyed guy walking towards them. He narrows his own eyes on Bradin and he feels Gabriella put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Hey Bradin." She says and Troy feels anger run through his veins. Why did this idiot have to ruin his perfect moment? "What's up?"

"Not much." He says and Troy crosses his arms angrily. Bradin was wearing a pair of kaki shorts and an orange shirt, so he hadn't had to caddy yet. Troy looks down at Gabriella, almost as if asking why she was even talking to this scum bag. Bradin looks up at Troy and smirks a little bit. "I'm disappointed; I haven't seen you around much."

'That's cuz she's been with me.' Troy thinks to himself, but doesn't say anything. He continues to glare at the opposite basketball captain that was smirking at him. "I know. I've been busy though." Gabriella says and Troy swears he sees her glance at him.

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