Agent Barton

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"Please tell me whose bright idea it was to let her outside?" We stood quietly at attention while Director Fury paced in roaring of us. Natasha shot me the I told you so look. I shrugged. It wasn't my idea. It was the combined idea of Coulson and Astella. She wanted to go out and I had supported it. I would go crazy too if I was kept in this place for too long. I wasn't going to tell Natasha this but I liked Astella. She was strong. She's had what two tantrums since she's been here a lot less than most would e had in her situation. She handled the news of her family's death better than most would have. I knew she felt really bad about what she did though. If she saw the state I made of the lab when they told me.

"That would be me." Coulson replied.

"And why am I not surprised." Director Fury came to stop in front of Coulson. There weren't many people who could look Director Fury in the eye and not crack under the pressure. Coulson was one of them.

"She wanted to go out. I let her go out. This isn't a prison" Coulson just shrugged. I always admired him for his bravery.

"For her this is a prison. Or maybe we should make one." Director Fury said a bit harshly. That's when Steve spoke up. I think he likes Astella. He would probably never admit it to one of us but I see the way he looks at her. Like he has to protect her even though she can kick his ass if she wants. It's the same way I... "

You let us walk freely. What's so different about her?" Steve asked setting his steely cold eyes on Director Fury.

"I'll show you what's different." He presses a button and a hologram pops up. It instantly starts playing a video. It shows Astella standing in the middle of the street. Her face is covered, it's not very good video. It would look normal except for the fact that there was a car in front of her with it's back end almost straight up in the air. Then Steve is there. He pulls her away and they disappear into the crowd. The car drops and the video stops. "I have had a team working on erasing videos like this from every phone, computer, and social network just to protect us. She can't control her powers." Dr. Banner shifts his feet and takes of his glasses.

"Looks to me like her powers just saved her. Do you want her dead that much?" He starts wiping his glasses on his shirt. By the tone of his voice I could tell he was tiring of this. Dr. Banner had tried to kill himself before. He told us. I think he was scared for Astella. Which would be pretty foolish. It looked like she could hold her own against anyone of us.

"I think it would be best." Director Fury replied quietly. An argument erupted but was quickly subdued when a voice came over the com link.

"Astella got out of her room again." Director Fury sighed. After scolding us for a couple minutes we were set off to go find her. Natasha and I walked side by side not talking.

"I know what you're thinking." I say. She glances up at me.

"Oh yeah. What?" She asked.

"You're thinking we should end this before she hurts anyone." She doesn't deny it.

"Would that be so bad." I step in front of her. Everyone thinks Natasha and I see eye to eye but we don't. Not always.

"I just don't think we should kill someone because of what they've done or what they might do." She's glaring.

"Well maybe I do." She pushes past me.

"Well then I'm glad we don't think alike." I call after her. "Otherwise you wouldn't be here." She turns to look at me. She knows what I'm talking about. Then with a flip of her hair she's gone.

I was in the weight room attacking a punching bag. As soon as Steve and I got back they said I had to be detained. They dragged me away kicking and screaming for them to put me down. Steve was marched in a different direction. He shot me a look before he disappeared from view. We both knew what this was about. My stunt I pulled earlier today with the car. But it wasn't my fault. My subconscious was just protecting me. It was only when they threw me into my room and closed the door that I remembered I could have used my powers on the guards. Strange how you could use your powers one minute and forget about them the next. I decided to use them now. I had a lot of bent up anger and I did not want to take it out on my nice knew room. I knew exactly where to go.

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