Sequel Information

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*******SEQUEL IS OUT NOW!*********


Hi guys! Thanks for sticking with me through this. I know that i usually skip around with my stories. I update one thing and not another. I'm also currently writing a lot of story's i haven't even published the first chapter too! Sorry for slow updates and the bouncing around. I'm also sorry that this may not have been as long as some of you may have hoped. But never fret i do have a sequel planned. I am also thinking of making this a trilogy so you have that to look forward to too.

But for right now this is a goodbye for this. I will start posting the new story if you do ask for it. I promise but i really need to know. I know you may not like waiting for me because i do take a while and again i apologize but if you don't ask it will take a lot longer to post it. Or it may not. I don't know. We'll have to see.

Anyways let me tell you about the sequel. Astella is obviously not dead if i plan on having a sequel or a trilogy for that matter. Sorry if i spoiled it but what else would the two other stories be about? For this one you may or may not have noticed that i did jump around on everyone's point of view. Sorry that i didn't do Tony's or thor's it's just how it ended up. Or did i have their point of views... Anyways. Thor will not be in the next book. He does live on Asgard and probably has his own stuff going on. His own things to deal with. Tony and Bruce may or may not be in them i have yet to work everything out in my head. The books will most definitely involve Captain America, Clint, Natasha, and Phil and Maria. And probably a little of Nick Fury.

Remember the thing i said about point of view. sorry but Astella will not be showing her point of view. It will mainly be Steve and i may throw in a little of Clint, Nat and Phil in there. I have a very good reason for this though but you will just have to wait and see. On the subject of the trilogy, i do not know if i will have a longer second story or a story about as big as this one and a third one about as long as this one too. It depends on how many chapters i write and what i deem best for it. I will leave you with he name of the second story Stars Dance. Be on a look out for it. It may come sooner it may come later but it will be posted eventually.

Again thank you so much for sticking with this story. I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you had a lot of fun reading it. Thank you for reading and that's it. See you on the flip-side!

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