Hell Hath No Fury

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Disoriented and dizzy i lifted my eyes and saw a tiny crack spreading from one palm to the other. My hands were glowing gold or maybe i was hallucinating. I pressed harder. The room started to spin and there was a ringing in my ears. I was warm and cold at the same time. What the hell was going on. My palms felt like they were on fire. The crack grew larger and the ringing in my ear was replaced with a whistling noise. "Sir somethings wrong!" the scientist shouted in a panic. The Overlord stopped laughing.

"WHAT?" he screamed. I ground my teeth and pushed against the glass though it clearly wasn't budging. There was another horrible cracking sound. "What is she doing!" he shouted at the Slyvarian. I tried not to pay attention to them i had to concentrate on whatever the fuck i was doing.

"She's.. She's breaking the glass sir." the Slyvarian said. The Overlord roared and flew into a whirlwind of commands. Something along the lines of,

"Stop her! How is she doing that?!" Meanwhile the crack was getting larger. spreading past my hands to the top of the cylinder. The Slyvarian was quaking in it's boots.

"I don't know! She shouldn't be able to do that! It's five inch thick glass!" the Slyvarian shouted loudly. The Overlord roared and in one fluid motion snapped his neck. At that exact moment the glass around me gave way. Crashing down around me like a waterfall. The burning of my skin had stopped. The ringing in my ears had disappeared and i felt better than ever. The Overlord stared at me shocked. I probably would've had the same expression on my face if it weren't for the fact that i was about as mad as the Hulk.

"You went back on your deal!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. With a giant roar and the raising of my hands i pulled apart the bolts and screws that held everything in the room together and threw them at him. Then while he was still stunned i snarled and launched myself through the hologram at him electricity flying from my palms. With an animalistic snarl i drove a knife into his overgrown stomach. He roared and leered managing to shake me off.

"How did you.." he started to yell but i cut him off.

"I told you not to back out of our deal!" i screamed. I must have looked frightening. Just hearing myself made me want to run and hide but i swallowed it down as i picked up a giant slab of sharped metal from the ground and threw it at the Overlord. He deflected it easily but i was at him again. I was throwing everything in the room at him. Shards of glass, metal, wires, tools, even the dead body of the Slyvarian scientist. But that was an accident. He was still pretty stunned. He sort of just stared at me like a child throwing a tantrum. There was so much going on he couldn't deflect everything. He howled in anger as the glass pushed there way through his scales into his flesh.

"ENOUGH!" he roared. It was a big enough sound to push me back about a foot in the air like you see Bowser do in those Mario games. You know when you get to the end and it's the boss level.

"No! I warned you! I warned you!" i shouted. Everything was yellow. Or turning yellow. It felt like i was on fire like i had been in the glass cylinder. With a giant cry i threw out my palm expecting a bolt of electricity to fly out instead it was a ball of fire. I stared down at my smoking palm. "That's new." i said grinning at my hand like a crazy lady. "You are so in trouble." i said laughing like a maniac. I threw another ball of fire at him still laughing. We were flying around the room dodging things that were still flying around. Was that me or him? I couldn't tell everything was moving too fast. The Overlord was hardly getting a punch in. I switched from electricity to fire just to make it interesting.

Somehow during that my right had had become a flame thrower and the other just threw electricity. How i did that i wouldn't know. It just sort of happened. Like a lot of things seemed to be doing lately. I threw a bolt of electricity but it missed and hit one of the weird light fixtures hanging over head. It fell from the ceiling and crashed on the floor where it snapped in two. The Overlord was backed up in a corner now but i kept going. I wasn't about to stop. If i did he could get a shot in and i might never regain my position. So there i was hovering over the Overlord showering him with electricity and fire. I wasn't even trying to throw them one at a time now. A steady stream of both was just flowing from my hand. I wish there was someone to see this, but maybe i wouldn't like that. I wouldn't be able to face them because of how frightening i must look.

The Overlord's scales, which had been black before, were now white. A sickly white like he was dying. Was he dying? I stopped my assault. The Overlord sat still. His eyes were rolling in his head and he could barley lift a finger in defense. I looked around at the room while keeping a close eye on him. Everything was destroyed. Pieces of metal and glass were stuck everywhere but i hardly had a scratch one me. Still. After all that and i wasn't even hurt. Except for that cut on my arm from before.

There were a couple things suspended in the air around me. Giant slabs of metal and some tiny and large glass fragments. So everything flying around the room was me. The edges of my vision were turning yellow. What had Banner said about yellow...? Ticking time bomb.. Right? The chemicals inside me could explode if i used to much of my power and well i had used it a lot today. More than i've ever used it in a single sitting that's for sure. Which wasn't really my fault. I had to especially right now. Finish him! My head screamed. What the hell was i doing? Just flying over him thinking. That's not what heroes do. They get the job done. Do it. I picked up the light fixture that i had broken earlier. Since it snapped in half it was a perfect stake to drive through his heart. I hovered it above the Overlord preparing myself to "finish the job" as Natasha would've put it. The Overlord opened his scaly lips and said something i couldn't hear.

"I'm not one for the final words kind of crap." i told him. Somehow the Overlord still managed to laugh in his horrible state.

"These aren't my final words." the Overlord said.

"Then shut up while i kill you." i said fiercely again he laughed.

"I like you. Even if you are human. How about a deal. We will leave this world and never return if you come with us." the Overlord said.

"I don't think you should bargain with someone holding a stake above your heart. You might aggravate her." i said crossing my arms. The Overlord laughed again and i rolled my eyes.

"You have more power than you or i know. Together we can rule the whole universe." i sighed.

"If you're trying to tempt me it's not working because i would never leave Earth." the Overlord opened his mouth but i wasn't going to hear another word. "This is my home that you threatened. YOU killed My family but I found a new one. Gallivanting around the universe is something i would love to do but NOT. With you. There are so many people like you out there who think Earth is weak and defenseless. Well we're not. If you mess with our world. Mess with our people it doesn't matter what petty fighting we have going on down here because we're sure as hell going to stop and fight the bigger enemy." i took a deep breath. "There's a team down there. MY team. They're called the Avengers. We're here as the first defensive line for Earth. It doesn't matter your size or how much you out gun us because if we can't save th world. we're going to make damn sure we avenge it." The Overlord seemed to be thinking. "And there's one other reason i would NEVER. Take you up on your deal." i said. The Overlord stretched his lips into a toothy grin.

"And what's that?" he asked. I smiled wide.

"I HATE WHEN PEOPLE BREAK THEIR PROMISES!" i screamed as i smashed the giant light fixture into his heart. The Overlord let out a roar which turned into a gasp. His whole body shuddered then he stopped.

He better be dead. I told myself as i hovered down toward his face. I almost didn't want to get close to him. What if like in all those cheesy horror movies he makes one last grab at me to kill me. Knowing my luck my life would end like a cheesy horror flick. He wasn't breathing and there was blackish blue blood pouring out from various wounds in his body. I kicked his arm which was about as tall as i was. Nothing. Good. But it was far from over. They were still down there fighting for their life probably. I wonder what happened to them after the Overlord had dropped them. I hoped they had stopped themselves from falling. I got a sinking feeling imaging Steve, Natasha, and Clint's head connecting to the ground. Their skulls breaking open. The blood staining the pavement.

I clutched my stomach willing myself not to throw up. My vision was still yellow around the edges. Not a good sign. Was i glowing yellow too? Focus! Your friends are down there. Right i told myself. I had to help them. Ignoring the burning feeling in my hands and the nagging sense of dread i had i ripped open a gaping hole in the bottom of the ship hopping that i would be on one of the lower levels of the ship. Unfortunately i wasn't. I floated down the hole and tried again on that level. Sunlight. Aw there it was the tops of skyscrapers and the familiar black asphalt. I took a step out and dropped.


almost done now guys. Thanks for sticking with the story! Tell me what you thought of it :) id like to know if it's good or not

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