13. That First Possible Relationship

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“Cassie, what happened?” I’m in my room with all of the girls sitting on my bed in front of me. They got here, I don’t know, maybe thirty minutes after Eli dropped me off. I still wasn’t able to ask him about the dress at all because he kept me distracted the whole time. I was a little peeved, but I couldn’t do anything about it as he sped out of my neighborhood.

When I got inside, I quickly took the Nutella tub into my room with a spoon, thinking about how this day may or may not change everything. I sighed, shaking my head. And right when we got back to normal too! And then the girls nocked on my door, scaring me half to death. I went to the front and let them in, and they immediately started asking questions.

“Nothing happened, I swear, guys!” I exclaimed as I stood in front of them.

“Oh, so we just messed up something, didn’t we?” Josie offers. Skylar gasps as I don’t answer. I knew that if I confirmed it then they would beat themselves up over it. They would never forgive themselves for interrupting my almost first kiss.

“We did!” Ava exclaimed. “Cassie, was something about to happen before we found you?” she asked curiously. I chewed on my cheek, not knowing what to say. “Cassie, we’re so sorry!” I shook my head at them.

“It’s all right, I swear. It’s better that nothing happened. It gives me time to un-jumble my feelings.” I looked at them and smiled encouragingly. “I know what you’re going to ask, and I don’t know if I like Eli more than a friend right now. It’s too complicated. I will admit, though, that I’m not sure.” They all looked at me skeptically before getting off of my bed.

“Well, you don’t want to be unsure for too long,” they all say before leaving my room and going back home. I shook my head as my mom popped her head in.

“I just want to say that I like Eli too, honey, he’s precious.”

“Thanks mom, that really helps,” I say sarcastically. She shrugs her shoulders as she closes the door, and I put my face in my hands. It didn’t help that Eli and I hung out a lot. The fact that he tried to kiss me, and I was eager to let him, made things complicated. I don’t do complicated; I barely do uncomplicated!

“Cassie?” I hear. I look towards my door, expecting to see my mom again, but am slightly surprised to see my sister, Annika. My parents only wanted the only boy to have a normal name I guess. “I heard you were having some boy troubles. Or lack of boy troubles, that is,” Annie says, smirking at me. I laugh at her expression, feeling some of the tension go away. “Wanna tell me about it.” I shake my head pouting.

“No,” I say, poking out my lips and not looking at her. “If I say anything out loud, it will be true and I’ll have to believe it. I like being in denial.” Annie laughs at my logic, but it wasn’t a different scenario. I have a pretty weird way of thinking most of the time, so I’m usually laughed at. Or told to shut up, but that’s only when I tell a good pun.

“Cassie, don’t wait for it to go away,” my older sister tells me. I look at her, and she has that face that says ‘I’m older, I know what I’m talking about, so listen to me’. “What if I didn’t do something about my crush on Adam?” Adam was Annie’s husband of 5 years, she’s 26 right now, and she had a major crush on him for a while before they started dating.

“Now, that’s not fair!” I whine, sounding like a five year old. “He’s your husband now. You can’t pull out the husband card on me.” I cross my arms together. “Besides, Eli and I aren’t even in a relationship.”

“And?” she snorts. “No one is ‘in a relationship’ with someone until they do something about it.” Annie poked me in the stomach, and I tried as best I could to squirm away. “Do something about it, because, I heard from a little bird that he tried, but failed epicly.”

“He didn’t fail!” I defend Eli without thinking. “All of the guys and girls came in the dressing room before he could actually kiss me!” I put my hand over my mouth as Annie's eyes get wide.

“What? I didn’t know that! I was just talking about what the girls had said about him picking you up and stuff!” Annie sits on my bed across from me. “If he tried to kiss you, then he definitely wants you. And, obviously, you don’t mind being in his presence,” she told me, waggling her eyebrows.

“I don’t –”

I don’t want to hear your excuses, Cassie! Not anymore. You know you like him, and he likes you too. Just because this is your first possible relationship, it doesn’t mean that you don’t know what to do.” Annie gets up and walks to my door. “You gave me way too much advice to me about anything related to guys for me to believe otherwise.” She walks out after that, wanting to have the last word. And she succeeded.

I plop on my bed; face in pillow, as I try to forget everything around me and float is nothingness.

A/N: Eww! Sorry it's so short. I realized that it can't be all "boom boom boom! Stuff happens in each chapter!" And you get to know Cassie's sister a lot more. So that's good too!

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