19. Drinking Gatorade

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I was early on Tuesday. I didn’t mind though. Usually I did, but I don’t know. I could talk to the girls and stuff since I was here now. Eli had to drop me off early because he had some test he had to redo. I didn’t ask too much about, feeling happy that he was driving me nonetheless. Eli and I had gotten really close after the park. I mean, I guess you could say that we were close before, but we were getting a lot more close more and more over the weeks. Like, I’ve now come to the realization that we act a lot like a couple, and that’s why everyone assumes all that stuff. I don’t try though, and I don’t think Eli has even realized it yet, but we do.

“Aw, why is our favorite Cassie smiling all wide like that?” the girls said as they saw me sitting outside on the ground, near the front door. It was then that I realized that I had been smiling this whole time. I couldn’t stop the blush that rose to my cheeks. They all laughed.

“And now she’s blushing?” Josie asked surprised. “Now, we have got to know why this is a glorious day for you!” They all sat down around me, wanting to know about Eli and me. I smiled at them.

“Seriously, Cassie,” Skylar looked at me with a normal smile, as if she was happy that I had a reason to smile that wide. “What’s going on with you and Eli? He’s got to be the only one to make you smile this much.”

“Are you seriously starting to like him?” Ava asked with wide eyes. She looked from side to side, and then leaned forward. “Like, like like?” I almost laughed, and so did everyone else. Ava was too innocent for her own good.

“Really, Ava, what are we? Fifth graders again?” I laughed, joking as we all leaned back. I looked at them, chewing on my cheek. “You could say that,” I said simply. They all looked up quickly, eyes showing shock in them.

“Really? We thought that you would never come to your senses! But why now?” I shrugged my shoulders

“I don’t know,” I say honestly. “It’s just that… Whenever Eli’s around, I feel a sense of relief, like he will make sure that everything is ok. I get all happy when he pops up now, with that stupid grin he has on his face because he thinks that he will be able to scare me. And then there’s the times where he makes sure I’m ok, as if I’m very valuable and breakable and I need protecting.” I smile at the girls, “it’s a really nice feeling.”

“You guys hang out a lot though, so I’m not really surprised,” Josie adds, and I clap my hands at that.

“That’s another thing; no matter who’s over, or what I have planned, he always tries to make me do something. Like, a couple of weeks ago, I was super groggy, and tired, and he came without telling me. And instead of doing what he had planned, or leaving, he piggy-backed me up the stairs so that we could watch Netflix together. And then I found out why I was feeling like that, and he even stayed and helped me feel better after that!” They all looked at me, a look that was making sure that they were thinking of the ‘why’ that I was talking about, and I nodded my head.

“He stayed even during that!?” they all exclaimed. I nodded my head, eyebrows raised to show that I was still confused as to why he would do that.

“But it’s the little things, like always telling me not to stop chewing on my cheek when I get nervous around him, or telling me that I looked cute one day, or the fact that he likes my natural, curly hair rather than when I straighten it,” I say, and I look to see that they’re all wide eyed at me. I pout, “But it’s as if he’s not even thinking about it; it’s just something that he says normally. But I think I really do like him, guys, and I don’t know what to do.” They all look at me as if I’ve suddenly obtained a third eye or something.

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