Chapter 9 - Your Girlfriend Moron!

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"My best friends are getting Married. Married. Married. Married"

"Divy, shut it already!" Abhi said, shaking his head in annoyance and disbelief as he watched Divya do a weird victory dance on Siya's bed.

"My best friends are getting Married...."

"I think she has officially lost it!" He observed to an equally baffled Siya.

"Really!" Siya said, shaking her head as well, "I thought she would take it positively, not so positively!"

"Married. Married. Married."

"Yeah with the way she's celebrating you would think we've had two kids already!"

The words were out of his mouth before he could think them through. Now they were both blushing. Wow, he couldn't remember the last time there was any awkwardness between them.

"You want kids?" She asked him, blushing even more if it was possible.

"Why not! One girl and one boy. To balance it out you know." Again he cringed after the words left his mouth. "Er...Don't you want kids?"

"Yes of course I love kids", she said, with a huge wishful smile lighting up her face. Her eyes shining adorably, staring at a distance as if seeing the unborn children. Then suddenly her gaze went back to him, her eyes widening, and her cheeks flushing.

They needed to discuss these things. If she was going to blush at the thought of kids, and freak out about their marital relationships, their friendship would take a very awkward turn. And that didn't sit well with him.

"My best friends are getting Married. Married. Married..."

"What were you exactly dreaming about?" He asked her to change the subject.

"It was quite confusing honestly...first we were running in full speed to this old thing Divakar kaka was holding us at gunpoint and making us marry each other...then you and Manav were in a boxing thing I knew we were on this huge white bed...then you woke me."

"You had Manav in your dream?" He asked, his face gone stony and his posture gone stiff. Without another word he abruptly strode out of the room leaving a bemused Siya wondering what she'd done this time.


"Divya! DIVYA!!" Siya finally pulled Divya off the bed.

"Yeah?" Divya asked, her face still flushed with happiness.

"Er...I need some advice..."

"With what sweety?"


"Oh ho! Lovers spat?"

"There's no lovers Div."

"No lovers? Hun, you guys are getting married. What is this supposed to mean?"

Siya could see the glow of happiness on Divya's face dim. She sat her down on the bed, took a deep breath and explained Divya what the situation actually was.

"Arranged marriage? You got to be kidding me Siya!" Diva exclaimed, pacing in the room, as Siya sat cross-legged on the bed and watched her.

"What's the matter with you two? Just when I thought you guys got some sense knocked into your tiny heads!!", Divya continued her rant, looking thoroughly frustrated, "Siya, even the dumbest of people could tell you guys are made for each other."

Siya had been hearing such statements from Divya for quite some time now. It reminded her of their teenage and early twenties, when Divya incessantly tried to point out how Abhi's then-current girlfriend was all wrong for him, how Siya and Abhi would be perfect together, how they were already in a relationship without noticing it. But Abhi was always a part of who Siya was, she had never thought of him as her best friend, her soulmate, but never as a potential boyfriend.

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