Chapter 18 - Melt in my arms

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"Siya, do you have any issues with how things are progressing between us?" Abhi asked coming straight to the point.

Normally Siya loved that Abhi didn't beat around the bush, but right at this moment she wished he had eased her into this conversation. They were lounging on the window seating in Siya's bedroom, watching the Mumbai rains and sipping on hot tea.

"Abhi, you realize this is not a yes or no question don't you?"

"It isn't meant to be one. The key for any relationship to work is communication. It's important that we share our reservations and opinions about where we want this to go. There's been a certain awkwardness between us that never existed, and I want it gone by the end of this discussion."

"Okay." Siya nodded taking a deep breath.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with how fast all this is moving. I mean, physically." She said warily gauging his reaction.

Abhi merely nodded for her to elaborate.

"Abhi I'm not used to all this. It's just so unexpected at times. You gave me a hickey for god sakes! You know how inexperienced I am when it comes to all this. Couldn't you have eased me into it? Do you know how embarrassing it was when Divy pointed it out to me?"

She finished, covering her face with her hands and letting out a frustrated groan.

When she looked up Abhi was scratching the back of his neck, looking like a child who'd stolen some cookies and wanted to be excused.

"I'm sorry about that. I got a little carried away. I only meant to kiss you there, I don't know what got into me, and why I ended up giving you a hickey."

"Y-You meant to k-kiss me?!"

Abhi let out a tired sigh.

"Siya! Didn't we have this conversation the other day? Didn't I tell you we need to practice getting comfortable with each other physically to look like we are an actual couple?!"

"I know...but it's just...well it's just so new!"

"That's exactly why we need practice. Every time I touch you, you start freaking out!"

"That is not true Abhi! If I actually did freak out, you wouldn't have been able to give me a hickey!"

Abhi gave her a boyish grin.
"Okay! So that's not entirely true! You did let me give you a hickey." He paused, his smile dropping, then continued, "But then you looked positively scandalized after the moment was over."

Siya was getting a little annoyed by his cool attitude.
"Can you blame me? Abhi you are my childhood best friend. We played on the swings together, learnt the alphabet together. Made our first sandcastles together. Studied for 7th grade history tests together. Went to college together. Worked together. Lived together. 25 years of a purely platonic relationship turning sexual is a big deal! I'm sorry if I'm a little overwhelmed by it all! I don't understand how you are able to transition into this so smoothly"

Abhi's jaw tightened with every word Siya uttered.
"You think this is a 'smooth transition' for me? Siya, every fiber in my body has been accustomed to suppress its innate desire for you. Do you have any idea how long it has taken me to build the kind of restraint over myself when it comes to you? The number of times I've almost touched you, caressed you or kissed you? Siya it's too damn overwhelming for me too! But you have to understand that as your boyfriend and future fiancé I am allowed certain liberties with you that I wasn't allowed as your friend. The same applies with you. You have every right over me now."
He paused to take a calming breath.
"Does it scare the shit out of me? Of course it does Siya! This is you and me we are talking about! But Siya we have to get over this awkwardness, newness or whatever the hell is stopping us from moving forward."

"Does that mean, we have to start making out?" Siya asked, her eyes wide.

One look at her and Abhi couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. Siya was stunned at Abhi's sudden laughter and was feeling both embarrassed and annoyed. Abhi couldn't help it, she looked so scared when she asked that, so innocent like a deer caught in headlights.

He pulled her in an embrace and kissed the top of her head.

"Sweetheart, can you hear my heartbeat?"

Siya nodded against his chest. It was an erratic beat.

"This is what happens every time we are close. Every time you walk into a room, every time you smile at me, every time your beautiful eyes meet mine."

He pulled slightly away from her, with his arms still around her, and lifted her face to meet her gaze.

"Siya. We are getting married by the end of this year. We'll not only be sharing a room, a life but also our bodies. We are going to have children. Why not start getting comfortable with each other? Why not explore this aspect and get rid of all the awkwardness? Siya I want to progress with our relationship and give this marriage a real shot. Is that wrong?"

"No it isn't. You are right Abhi. We have to share a life together, there no harm to start with it now itself. I'm sorry I overreacted like that about the hickey. I don't mean to be such a prude. But you have to understand it will be a while before I can be truly comfortable with all this. But I'm going to try to be more accommodating."

"That's progress right there! I don't expect you to be okay with it overnight, but as long as you are giving this a chance we are golden."

They both smiled at each other and hugged each other tight again.



"You have to admit we have a lot of chemistry"

Siya pulled away to look at Abhi.
"What do you mean?"

"Well...I thought it would be a little weird when stuff! But it's actually great isn't it?"

"Abhi!" She smacked him.

"What! Not everyone is as compatible as we are. You practically melt in my arms every time I touch you!"

"I do not!" Siya gasped. He was so lying right now.

"Oh really! Wanna bet?"

"Abhi! Seriously, just drop it!"

"I love it when you blush." He said, dipping his head to kiss her flaming cheek.

She did melt in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He brought his mouth to her ear and whispered, "Melt in my arms"

Siya shivered at Abhi's words. There was no denying it. She did melt in his arms.


So Siya and Abhi are going to move forward. All this sounds super perfect! Nothing could go wrong now!

Or could it???

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