{7} Paispar tbh

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"Lets go to Disney!" Zoe screamed at the top of her lungs as we were getting in the car. Louise and Zoey sat in the back seat, Alfie, Caspar, and myself were sitting in the front one in the taxi. I was wearing a black shirt that revealed my belly button, jean shorts, Jordan Taylor, and my phone had a cute bear case, which I found adorable.

I pulled out my camera and turned it on," Hey guys, WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY. I'm acting like a child at the moment and thats what I intend to be. What about you, Caspar?"

Caspar faced me," I am going to ask Ariel to go on a date with me."

Zoe responded," But shes married."

Caspar shrugged," Doesn't mean she's dead."

I faced the camera and shook my head," I don't know. So, Lets go! By the way thank you for all the gummy worms and tootsie rolls and Arizona teas. I will make sure I eat those."

I switched it off and we arrived to the park in a snap and we got down, paid the driver and started walking. Alfie called," Lets make this interesting. Who can go all the way over there the fastest. One, Two, Three, GO."

I sprinted with Alfie on my heels and Caspar inches in front of me. I shouted," LETS GO CASPAR. TEAM PAISPAR!"



I laughed as my legs ran faster than ever. Caspar and I tied up and high fived each other as we waited for the rest to reach us. Louise did first and then Zoe and Alfie. I fist bumped Caspar," Paispar, its the best."

Caspar nodded in agreement. To save time, we had purchased our tickets online. We showed them to the nice police officer and she let us through, ripping and throwing away our papers. We entered and went up the stairs to the monorail. Its like a really fast train. Zoe and Louise were singing Disney songs as I nodded along. I got out my camera once more and said," We are officially in Disney and we're getting on like this really fast Choo Choo Train. And Paige is exited. OH MY GOSH. Here it comes."

I pointed the camera at the rapidly approaching train, and turned it back," Thats really fast. So, I'll tell you when we're in. Bye."

We hopped on the train and noticed there were two seats. I nodded at Louise and Zoe to take them and Alfie said," I feel bad now. C'mon Caspar, we're making a chair for Pai."

Caspar looked around," But theres no wood."

Alfie hit him on the back of his head and he made some motions, which Caspar returned, making a little square. I sat on it and they lifted me off the ground. I laughed and begged them to get me down while Zoe and Louise just filmed me. They finally set me down and I regained myself enough to hit them both on the arm. I walked over to the window and filmed the peak of the castle that was visible between the forrest. I said into the camera," I am going to meet as many characters. Cut to the pictures now."

I switched it off and set it in my back pocket. The train stopped and we piled out. I felt someone grab my hand and just run out. I held my phone tightly in my hand, as my...weapon, maybe? I don't know. This stranger and I went to a clear spot and he turned around, sighing as I realized who he was,"You gave me a heart attack. I thought you were going to kidnap me. "

He chuckled," Thats what I do. I wanted to ask you, did something happen between you and Finn? I saw him acting strange every time he sees you."

I shook my head," No. We had a miss-understandment last night, but that was that. Why, Caspar?"

He shrugged," Just asking. "

The rest of the group caught up to us and we started to stroll around. Zoe received a birthday pin, which she gladly put on. The first thing we did is stop to buy headgear. Zoe got normal Minnie mouse ears, Louise got pink glittery ones, and I got a black snapback with a yellow outline of Winnie The Pooh. I set it on and took a picture with it. I think its-" OH MY GOD! Look its Woody. I need to meet him."

I ran up to him and asked for a quick picture. Alfie gladly took it and handed it back to me. So, yes we were heading to Tomorrow Land. I took the opportunity to vlog," LOOK WE ARE ENTERING TOMORROW LAND. AND I JUST MET WOODY SO ITS ALL GOOD."

I let out a little squeal and returned my camera to my pocket. First, we went to an Indy Speedway. Caspar and I shared one. Zoe and Louise shared another one, and Alfie was by himself. We raced down and Alfie won. It happens. Next we went on an Astro Orbiter, where we just floated about. Next we went on Buzz Lightyears Space something something where we had to kill the bad guys. At the picture centre, Zorg was stuck in a cage. I managed to get through the bars and Louise took a few pictures of me. Then, we went on the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. They show a small clip in the beginning and the slug secretary says," Please enter your joke through text message. If you need help, contact the nearest teenager."

I raised my hand, high and proud," I AM A TEENAGER. Please approach in a single file line. "

I had submitted a joke. We entered and I filmed and luckily, my joke was chosen. "YAY. That was my joke," I mouthed to the camera.

It was What is monsters favorite game? Swallow the Leader. It was silly, but it gained laughs. Enough laughs to get us out. Next we went on the Stich ride, which was very annoying to some people, since all I did was scream at the slightest move of my chair. Then lastly, Caspar, Alfie, Louise, and I all went on Space Mountain. Which was sick. Zoe was drinking a coffee when we got back.

Next stop, we went to Mickeys town. Where we got to go in Mickeys house, Minnie's house,and we went in a tent where I got to meet ALL the princes and princesses, plus Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, and Pluto.

Afterwards, we headed to Fantasyland. There we went on Ariels adventure, its a small world, and Peter Pans Flight. Then, we had lunch at Pinocchio's Restaurant. I am not good with names.

Then, we went to Liberty Square,

where Alfie, Caspar, and I went on the The Mansion. I was truly scared. In the picture I appeared with my head buried into Alfie's chest. I did buy that picture. It started to get chilly so I got a cute little tiger hoodie with Tiger ears. I had been to disney too many times. I already had the same one, but in Perry the Platypus form. I threw my tiger on and put up the hoodie on top of my hat. Next, we went to AdventureLand. Here, we went on the Jungle Cruise, The magic Carpets of Aladdin, and Captain Jack Sparrows adventures. Then, we headed to FrontierLand and Caspar and I rode Splash Mountain, and Caspar joined us for Bug Thunder Mountain.

Along one of the rides, Zoe got on. She has anxiety though. The poor thing. We got on, and I was squished between Alfie and Caspar in a very small cart while Louise and Zoe were in front of us. Zoe turned her camera to me," Look at Paige. "

I put my hands up as I shrugged," The perks of being a midget are many, young grasshopper."

I filmed through the whole entire ride and Zoe was crying. We all comforted her at the end so it was all good. I do have anxiety, but its towards other things.

After that, I had to buy a big sweatshirt because it was getting colder. It had a fancy Minnie mouse in black, white, and red. And it was reversible. So on the other side, it had cartoons.

I put that on and on top, the tiger sweater. On that shop, we got a bit carried away, Zoe and I bought a bunch of plushed toys from different movies, Louise got a sweatshirt and some pajama pants. And Caspar got some pants.

We watched the electrical parade, which was truly beautiful. I felt myself getting drowsier by the minute and Caspar noticed," Want a piggyback ride, Pai?"

I shook my head 'yes'," PLEASE."

I hopped on his back. His hands cupped the bottom of my thighs and I placed my hands extended, yet holding on.

All of that had been recorded by me or someone else recording me do it.

After that, all I remember was when we arrived at the hotel, and Zoe woke me up for a brief moment to tell me to put on my pjs and to take off my makeup and contacts. And that was my magical day at Disney World.

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