{19} Best Friend Tag

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"Zayn, I need you to be very quiet." I told Zayn. We were about to shoot a video and Zayn had to be there. After the hole Ryder coming back incident, the boys had agreed that at least one of them had to be in the same room as me at all times, well, until we were far away from Minnesota. Zayn stared intently at his phone as he kept quiet, "'Kay, you're on it."

Giving him a thumbs up and ran to the wall, Zoe pressed the record button, "Hey guys, it's Paige an I know I haven't posted anything in a while but I have a good reason, um Finn and I have broken up- yes, I'm confirming it- and it truly came as a shock to me. But, I'm ok now, so make sure to hit that subscribe button."

Zoe moved along my feet, "And I have Zoella as my week today!"

She jumped up blithely grinning at the camera, "Hello!"

"We will be doing the Best Friend Tag. Even though my best friend is on the other side of the world. Cough Caspar Cough."

"Gee, thanks, " She looked at me dissaprovingly, "Now, we will ask a few questions each and see how that turns out. And the loser has to... buy the winner gummy bears." Zoe clapped excitedly and jumped around. It was evident to me that she just made that up on the spot, but it wasn't something I would call her out on. "Yes, 'Cause that how we roll. Ok, how old was I when we first met?"

She recalled, "Well, your birthday is September 15, so you were 17."

I nodded and she asked, "How and where did we meet?"

I sighed, "It was at your parents' house and it was because I was dating Joe and he wanted me to meet your family."

She shook her head and I moved on, "What car do I drive?"

"The bus." She stated simply and I felt my eyes widen in surprise as. I basically gawked at her, "The Bus? Really?"

"No, no , I didn't mean-" I cut her off, "That's it guys my real name is Ralph and I'm a London Bus Driver."

She laughed and she rolled her eyes, "List two foods I hate."

"Mushrooms and Beef." Knowing this by heart and shrugging it off when I got the correct answer."List my five favorite movies."

She started, "Pitch Perfect, Brave, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games."

I chuckled, "Ok, one, I don't like Brave that much, I prefer Tangled and two which HP movie?"

She stayed quiet for a moment, "Umm...the ones that I was in?"

"Ehh! Wrong! It's the Goblet of Fire! That's one and a half point for you!" I laughed and pointed at her as I teased her all that I could. She sighed, "What was the first thing we bought for our apartment?"


Zoe grunted and stomped but then nodded, "Where is my birthmark, Zoe?"

She widened her eyes, "Umm...you...told...me it was on your...um...leg! It's on your leg?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "It's on the back of my neck."

Zoe resumed, moving on quite quickly over her jncorrdct answer, "Who is my favorite princess?"

"Jazmin, that's too easy."

There was quiet for a moment until Zayn shouted, "YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES!"

"OH SO NOW YOU TALK!" I asked defiantly. I rolled my eyes, "Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe. Follow all the links down below, and make sure you go and subscribe to Zoe by clicking on her face. I love you all and I will see you next week. BYE!"

I shut the camera off and Zoe announce to me she needed to run an errand. I started editing the video and Harry arrived, telling Zayn he could go. I didn't quite get a glimpse at his face, and I knew he was hiding something from me.

I caught Harrys shoulder and turned him around and gasped when I saw it. He had a bruise on his cheek and jaw and his lip was busted, "Is it bad?" He asked.

I shook my head, trying to stay positive, "No, um just go to the room. I'll get you an ice pack."

Walking to the kitchen and getting an ice pack, there was a knock on the door. I decided to open it.

Bad decision, by the way.

Because, right there was my only nightmare.


Swallowing the lump in my throat, I asked, using the only little confidence I had left. "What do you want?"

He answered, "You. I've changed, I promise."

I scoffed and shook my head, "Not happening, you hurt me too much."

I took a better look at his face, and his cheek was bruised and his top and bottom lip had a gap of red in the middle, he had a darkening eye and a small cut on his forehead.

That can only mean one thing.

Harry and Ryder fought.


His eyes turned a shade darker and his jaw became more defined, "Last chance Paige, come with me or else I will start hurting you and your little clique until I drive you off the edge."

I smirked, "I doubt you'll hurt the biggest boy band, but you can try."

But I knew, he was too powerful.

He had connections of all types.

This wasn't going to end good.

His nostrils flared as he pulled me out of the hotel room and slammed me against the wall next to the door frame, "You're going to regret this."

"People like you don't change. They never do," I spat and he pressed down on my wrists harder, "You brought this on yourself."

He pressed even harder, cutting the blood flow from my arms to my hands, our noses were connecting, and I snapped my head to the left immediately He breathed out in an annoyed manner, "Fine. If that's how you want it."

My wrists were let go of as I heard stomps fade away. My ear was still pressed against the wall on my attempt to get away from him. I waited until the hall was quiet and I slowly opened my eyes, breathing out when there was no one there except for my reflection. My green eyes, were now grey, and my wrists were starting to bruise slowly. I leaned over and picked up the fallen ice pack as I walked to Harry's room and handing him the pack. He asked, looking into my now gray eyes, "Who was it?"

I have to keep it a secret, I can't worry him like this.

And I know that I'm lying to him and that I'm bringing even more problems on myself. But my brother is a kid, and he's living his dream, and I'm not going to get in the way of that.

I smiled, "Zayn, he forgot his pass and he needed help looking for it."


Super filler im sorry another update today

Okay so. I know this book isnt my main priority (TD is) but this story will be updated more often since I hope to come out with the second book on


I know its a long time from now and that this book is only like halfway done but I just wanted to announce that

I will be reminding you once in a while

Also my second book after Teenage Dirtbag is called 'If I Die Tonight' and im really excited about it so if you havent read the first one go read it and vote for it (HINT: the more votes, the sooner the date [same for here])

Thats it ily guys

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