{37} VidCon and Goodbyes

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"I'm really going to miss you so much." I whispered into Harry's ear as his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I could tell that he was on the verge of tears when he sniffled and hid his face deeper in my shoulder,"Me too."

He wouldn't let go of my waist and the boys had to rip him away from me. I smiled,"I want to thank you for everything you guys did for me. I thought that you were all stuck up pricks that didn't care about anyone else but you proved me wrong and I think I sort of needed that deep down, so thank you."

After that they all engulfed me in another hug warmer than the sun.

I finally got them to leave me and Louis' hand seemed to grasp mine,"Let's go."

With one final wave I closed the door, in hope to see them again and reminiscing all the memories we shared. It must have been evident in my face that I was quite skeptic about leaving because Louis stopped in the elevator after pressing the cream colored button with a golden'G' incrusted in it. He faced me. His eyes lighter than the summer sky as they stared deep into mine. His lips met mine in a caring way, one that is hard to find nowadays. As soon as his lips left mine, I couldn't help but to want them again. But I sustained myself as he spoke,"You'll see them again. You will still speak to Harry, right?"

"Yeah." I whispered and he smiled,"Then you have it halfway planned out."

I chuckled and pecked his lips. We walked around the lobby, escaping the fans that were camped outside by escaping through the back door. Security had somehow allowed Louis and I to drive all the way to where VidCon was happening. Which is about 6 hours away.

We were up really early, so it was quiet all around.

In front of us stood, a black car with dark leather seats. In which I would be sitting in for a bunch of hours. I gripped the handle bar lightly in my hands, frankly hoping I could go back in time. But the car seemed to open itself under my hand. And my body lunged itself into the car, my uncovered legs colliding with the cold leather material roughly.

The engine roared to life, making me squirm a little. Louis noticed this and apologized, even though he truly didn't need to. We seemed to pass by the mob of fans easily, thanks to the black tinted windows.

And thats where our journey began.

Louis' POV-

This might be a bit random but I love highways. We had just stepped in one a few minutes ago. But the reason for this is the freedom that they bring with them. The choices you can make in highways are incredible. And as you drive on, the pavement below you flying away like a gust of wind, you feel young and free. They make you feel relief. Like a weight or even the weight of the world is lifted off your shoulders. Worries drift along with the pavement under your wheels. It seems as if I could stay on a highway, with all the freedom you could ever possibly have.

Though as I was enjoying the highway, it seemed as Paige wasn't liking it as much. Her fist rested against her cheeks as if she was bored or sad. My hand drifted from the handle onto her knee. This contact brought her back to reality and she turned her head, making her hair move, giving me a better look at her. I questioned, "Are you feeling alright?"

Her shoulders moved in a shrugging motion,"I guess. Can we make a stop."

I decided not to go against what she was saying, and just

pulled over the nearest gas station. There was barely anyone on the road to start with, so it was easy to move around the lanes. I parked The car next to a gas stand at the oddly isolated station. Paige was storming out of the car before I even turned it off. She leaned against it and I could see the outlines of her back through the window. I stepped out of the car and when I was about to go and comfort her thinking form, she spoke,"Can you get me something to drink, please?"

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