{9} out of the kindness of my heart

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"TIME TO GET UP! C'MON I GOT DRESSED FOR THIS!" I yelled at the sleeping boys. They all groaned and threw anything at their reach. Most of them being pillows. I was sitting on their main couch, yelling at them to get up. I sighed," Did I mention I am dressed in a bikini. Im going to the pool."

Four of the boys got up and ran to me. They looked disappointed when they saw me in a sweatshirt and shorts. They all whined and sat on the couch. Harry came in, rubbing his eye," I came to tell them to back off. But you have it handled."

I stood up," Ok, when I come back, in ten minutes, I expect you all ready. And if you are, I'll give you candy. "

I walked out and sat on the outside part of the door. I waited until ten minutes passed and I walked in to see them ready to go. I chuckled," Well, lets go to my bus."

We all went to Zoe and I's bus and in the cabinet, I got out the candy jar. I got a handful and threw it at them," Have fun."

I grabbed one lollipop and put it in my mouth after the wrapper was off. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:55. I ushered the boys out as they ate their candy. I tell you, they are like 5 year olds. I spotted Michaela? I don't remember her name. She had a fancy suit and I assumed it was her. I pushed them all to her. She sighed and let the boys get in the car as well as herself. She rolled down a window," You gave them candy?"

I nodded confidently,"Yeah, nowhere in my contract did it say I couldn't. "

She questioned, with an angry expression," What were they doing in your bus?"

What did she think. That we had a six some? Well, lets have some fun with her mind. I cant let an opportunity like this one slide. I put the lollipop in my mouth and took it out slowly,"We were doing something that they can't do with you. Enjoying themselves."

The lady gasped as the boys had caught up with the joke and snickered. Louis called," Same time tomorrow?"

I kept my laughter in and took another lick at my lollipop as I winked, I took it out. I tapped the car twice, signaling the driver to go. I walked away, making sure to sway my hips more than usual. Remind me to mess with her more often. Little did she know that one of them was my brother. I opened the door to see two more small boxes. I whined," I was gone for five minutes. FIVE."

Zoe popped up from the corner," Oh no, I have to sort those. They are the backstage passes."

I left the candy in my mouth and said," Want help?"

Zoe nodded," Yeah. Just take a seat. "

I looked around and sat on the couch. Zoe took a seat next to me," There have to be exactly 40 passes each stop. These are two stops."

I nodded and started counting a box.





" This is boring."

I took out my phone and set it to Pandora. There, I clicked on Ed Sheeran radio and music started blasting. I took a seat and kept counting.




But wait, there are more left. Like ten left. I questioned," Zoe, I have ten left."

She sighed," Me too."

I bit what was left of the candy and threw it out. I paused the music and Zoe's face brightened up," I have an idea."

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