{28} Realization

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I threw a towel in my bag and called for the boys," LINE UP CHILDREN TIME TO GO."

They all showed up and lined up like primary school children. I gave them a nod and they walked out the door. Louis giving me a death glare, what it up with this one.

We walked downstairs to the hotel pool. The elevator ride down was super awkward and I was so glad when it stopped, because the awkwardness drifted away and I engaged in conversation with Zayn. We arrived at the pool, I stripped off and attempted to get in.

Slowly, I took one step in deeper. The boys just went for it and just dived in. My hair was in a bun, because I had No intention of getting it wet, and the water was just below my bikini top. My sunglasses were on, but they didn't restrain me from looking at the boy in front of me.

His tanned body glimmered in the sunlight, as the water droplets caressed his long strong arms as well as his edged jawline and smooth neck. His hair stuck up in all different directions, and he looked quite stunning.

The sunlight was hitting him in just the right angle, so that his skin was golden and glowing. His sunglasses reflected my brothers face and he smiled. His teeth even brighter than his skin. And his laugh, was like hearing music for the first time. It was something infectious, something you want to hear over and over again for the rest of your life.

I snapped out of my thoughts, because I saw them approaching me,"Can we help you, Pai?"

"No, No, I um-I thought I saw someone I knew." I lied.

'Don't tell me you like Louis.' Said a voice in my head.

I'm going crazy.

But, I did take my mind's question in...mind?

I felt a hand graze my shoulder,"I'm going to get a drink, want to come?"

I nodded,"Um...y-yeah sure."

I got out of the pool and dried myself off a bit before grabbing my wallet.

I stared at my feet as we walked into the carpeted floor of the halls. We walked down a few doors to finally reach the one we've been looking for. I pressed a few buttons and got my soda out.

I leaned back on the white brick wall and looked at Louis. He asked,"Who was that yesterday?"

I furrowed my eyebrows,"What are you talking about?"

Louis let out a frustrated breath,"Yesterday, that guy, is he your boyfriend?"

I gave him a 'keep on going' look and he leaned forward," At the coffee shop?"

Oh..."Connor? He's one of my friends,"

"So, you don't like him?" He asked, hope in his eyes,"What's it to you?"

"Nothing." He muttered. He walked away and I followed behind. We arrived at the edge of the pool and I whispered into his ear,"I like him like I like Harry, as a brother."

He grinned at me and I turned away. Why the hell did I just say that?

'Because you like him, idiot'

Do I, really?

I mean, he's so handsome, and perfectly imperfect. His hair, it swoops just the right way. And his never-ending torso. His strong arms, and that vein that pops out from his wrist up to his forearm. His eyes and the way I feel safer when they're on me.

Yeah, I like him.

Oh, shit.

No, what of he doesn't like me back. I can't just tell him 'Hi, I like you' just like that. Its not secondary school anymore.

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