{8} tour buses and PO boxes

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"I'll miss you, Caspar." I said. As we embraced in a tight hug," We'll see each other really soon. Don't worry, Pai."

I moved on to Alfie and hugged him," Please stop growing. You are too tall."

He chuckled," I'll try. "

I pulled away and went to Louise," Sorry we need to stay. "

She pulled away and waved her hand around, "Don't worry about it. More space for me."

I grinned at her positivity and they, with one last wave, got in the tunnel. I was so sad that they were leaving. I hoped that, I don't know, maybe they could work with us. It pained me seeing my best friend that I have had even before Zoe, Caspar. Honestly, I have known him for as long as I can remember. When mom sent me to boarding school, he came the next semester. I actually introduced Zoe to Caspar, an Caspar introduced Joe to me. So there is some history for you.I sighed," Now, off to see the bus."

Zoe and I linked arms and caught a cab. I gave the man directions and he headed off. I decided then to vlog," So, we have dropped off Caspar, Alfie, and Louise off at the airport ad I have some news. Something had come up and I have to um tour with my brother for a while, for private reasons, as their assistant. Zoe, also will be in charge of the Meet and Greets. We have the easy jobs, so I will have to stop vlogging for a while. But I will continue to make videos every week. So, bye. Big Love."

Zoe said," Well, that was sad."

I shrugged and the car came to a stop. I paid the taxi driver and got out. A bunch of girls started screaming when Paul came to get us. I kept my head down as well as Zoe. Paul let us through some gates, ad behind them, at least 8 buses were lined up and people were walking around. I asked Paul," Thats an everyday thing?"

Paul chuckled," Yes, now your bus is the second one.The boys are in the first one. Your stuff arrived yesterday, and the things you are expected to do are on the table. I have to run. See you later."

He left us at the door of our bus. I opened the door and stepped in. The first thing I saw was a drivers seat and behind it, was a black couch, covered in boxes. Across from that couch was another couch, this one was slightly shorter that the other one because the difference in space was taken up by four cabinets one on top of the other and a mini fridge. I walked a little more and saw there were three bunk beds on top of each other on the right. next to those was a closet and if you opened it, it had one hang tube and four drawers.On the other side was another couch but this one has a giant window,compared to the other windows. This couch was more of a leather body pillow thrown on. At the end, was a semi circle couch with a tv to the left. The whole place was white, red, and black.

" Paige look!" I heard Zoe call. I peeked my head to see her lifting the couch next to the beds, revealing a space to put things in," Huh, how convenient."

I decided to get all my clothes out of the bag. I got to drawers and Zoe got two, though we hang most of our clothes. We finished that off and I went to the main couch and looked for my cameras and lights. I took out my video camera, my big nikon, my polaroid, and my canon, all in their cases. I love me some cameras. I found a small bookshelf, above the back couch,where I set them. Zoe shouted," Your mom only sent one pair of lights. They're yours, I'm going to install them back there."


I went back to where the cabinets were and opened the bag that contained the food the fans had give to us. This included PopTarts, Lucky Charms, and Gummy Worms. In a cute little candy jar I set the tootsie rolls and lollipops and in the fridge I put the iced teas and sodas. I threw the bag onto the little pile of luggage we had formed. I sighed as I picked up a paper that had been laying on the countertop. It read,"Dear Ms. Styles and Ms. Sugg-"

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