{10} are you expecting someone?

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Zoe shouted.

I yelled back," GIMME A MINUTE!"

I saved the last video I was editing and shut my mac book and pushed it back. I was wearing a crop top, a jean vest with a hoodie, black shorts, platform converse, and my phone had an Iron Man case. I grabbed my Penny Board before walking out of the bed area. The boys all gaped at me as Zoe grinned," Finn called. He wants to talk to you."

I waved a hand," I'll call him later. "

The boys still had their mouths wide open," Can I help you?"

Niall muttered," Harry, mate, your sister is 10 times hotter. If she can play Xbox, I'm going to marry her."

I rolled my eyes," Yes, I can play XBox .And please close your mouths."

They all snapped back to reality and Harry exclaimed, making me slightly cringe in my spot, "You have a belly piercing?"

I looked down to see my piercing showing.




Louis asked, "Did it hurt?"

Before I could answer, Harry barked," OF COURSE IT HURT! SHE POKED A HOLE THROUGH HER STOMACH!"

I chuckled at his reaction," Harry, calm down. I didn't poke a hole," he seemed to relax before I added," Someone else did. And Louis, its like getting a tattoo."

Lou poked Liam's arm repeatedly and whined," I want a piercing."

Liam sent me a death glare," Great example."

I smiled and did a little shrug," Now, lets go!"

I pushed them all out and waved bye to Zoe, who couldn't come because she needed a new video out by that same afternoon.

I set my board on the ground and propelled myself forward. I took an artsy picture of the fans and the sun and said

"Its a Sunny Day in Atlanta. Glad to see you are spending time outside."

Liam and Zayn were racing and I stopped Liam," LIAM. COME HERE!"

He came over and I told him to turn around. I grabbed his shoulders and got on the board. "IS THAT SAFE?" Someone screamed,


Liam started running and I sped up. He moved over, leaving me rocketing to a gate. I truly couldn't stop. And when I tried, I fell down. I fell on my arm and immediately started laughing as everyone worried. I got up and mounted the board again," Never doing that again."

We took the back exit so we wouldn't get trampled by teenage girls. We got into a van and I placed my board on my lap and decided to call Finn," Hello?"

"Is this the crusty crab?"

"No, this is Finn."

I laughed," You're supposed to say, 'No, this is Patrick', Finn."

I could feel Finn roll his eyes," You haven't called, Pai."

"I'm sorry, I've been busy."

"Thats alright. How's the job?"

" Its alright. You know waking up early, papers to sign, tricking your co-worker into thinking you're having a six some. The usual."

Finn chuckled and there was a scream in the background," Jack says hi and tell Zoe she needs to give him a call. I have to film a video. Bye love."

"Bye." I pressed the end call button and looked up. Harry interrogated," Who was that?"

I scrolled through my calls to see if i had missed someone," My boyfriend. Finn. Doubt anyone but Liam and possibly Niall know him."

I found that I had a missed call from Andrea. I dialed her up," Hey this is Andrea Russett."

I chuckled," Are you expecting someone?"

She sighed," Sort of. A radio station wants to give me this big job. The call is supposed to come tomorrow but you know..."

I nodded," Yeah, I can imagine. So, where are you?"

She explained," Well, I'm moving to LA with my friend Jenn. But then Jenn is leaving and I have that apartment to myself."

I considered," Maybe I'll stop by. Who knows.Hey, is Connor around? Gotta talk to him."

Harry widened his eyes as of he had just discovered America. I shook my head," Yeah he's right here. I'll give him the phone. Bye Pai."

"No wait just tell him I say Hi."

"Alright. Bye."

I hung up as the car stopped.

(this is a filler sorry)

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