{34} Ellen Degeneres

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Paige's POV-

I was laying down in the hotel room bed doing absolutely nothing useful except for eating popcorn and I received a call,"Hello?"

"Is this Paige Styles?" The lady questioned, and by the tone of her voice, she seemed like she had a stick up her ass. So, I decided to make her day brighter. 

"No this is Patrick." I teased, grinning at my smart-ass, sarcastic response. 

"Is this Paige Styles? Youtuber?" The girl on the other line getting slightly more irritated.

"Yeah, who's calling?" I gave up, since the lady was clearly not up with having any of my shit today, or any day. 

"This is Amanda Frailes, from the Ellen De Generes Show." I widened my eyes and slapped my hand to my mouth, which only made popcorn fly everywhere since my hand was under the bowl. I could barely speak, but after another fifteen seconds finally said,"Yes?"

"We know that this is sudden but we have only obtained your phone number recently, so do you think you can come down at the address we will text you later, is that ok?" Her tone dropped, and it seemed like the roles had switched. I could either be extremely rude or go along with it. Well, this is the thirty-fourth chapter, you tell me how I answered. 

"Yes! Yes! I mean-" I realized how insane and desperate I must have sounded,"Yes I would love to!"

"It would be an honor to have you on the Ellen DeGeneres show, thank you."

The line went dead, and I could swear my heart was going to burst out of my chest at any given moment. I let a squeal slip my mouth, which turned into a scream. I couldn't believe I, Paige Styles, was going to be in the Ellen Degeneres. How did this happen? Why me? Why not somebody who had four times my subscribers? I was in utter shock. I opened up my computer and started off the camera,"Hey guys."

I really didn't know how to start it off,"I have a lot of events the next few days and I wanted to let to you guys know in a short little shit video.

"I should first tell you that in two days I will go to the TCAs and I am nominated. So go vote for me. Then, I have just gotten a call from, don't freak out, THE Ellen DeGeneres. She personally called me through her assistant to tell me that she wanted ME on her show. It was awfully hard for me to keep my cool."

"Next, I will be going to VidCon but leaving a day earlier to go to Hawaii with Andrea Russett, and I think Connor Franta. Afterwards,I am being dragged to NYC to go to the 1D Movie Premier and then I shall return to England. Yay,"

I took a deep breath,"I can't believe I just told you my whole month. You could be total stalkers. Oh well, shit happens. I will see you next week and BYE."

I edited the video, making sure the parts where I sounded stupid were cut out and even added a cute background music.

The guys came in, since we all shared connected rooms. Harry just laid on his bed with his forearm over his eyes and the other very tired boys retired to their rooms. I took a leap, jumping from my bed to Harry's bed then jumping up and down like I was on a trampoline,"Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Guess what."

"What?" He groaned clearly annoyed by my energy,"I'm going to be on Ellen, dude!"

"Did you just say-"

"Yup, THE Ellen DeGeneres Show. Its time to dance like its my birthday."

"No. Did you say dude?"

"I might have."

"You have fallen under the American Spell, Paige."

I shook my head and took one last big jump on the bed, landing criss-cross next to Harry's legs,"Not as bad as Liam. I heard white boy is listening to Jay-Z."

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