{27} Coffee

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I walked out of the hotel and into a cab. I gave him directions to the small coffee shop and the guy took me there. I slid on my sunglasses and went on my phone, texting him I'd be right there.

I arrived and entered after paying the man. I stood in line to get a drink and when I did, I went to a booth in the back. I felt as if someone was staring at me, turning my head and scanning the horizon I moved on. The person I was waiting for, walked through the door and smiled at me. He jogged towards me and picked me up by the waist as I stuffed my face in his neck and I murmured,"I missed you. "

"Me too."

Louis' POV-

I was seated in a coffee shop not far from our hotel here in Nevada. I'm here alone because I need time to sort my self out. Besides what the stubborn back of my head says that I should go up to her and ask her out, I couldn't bring myself to it.

She has a super kind heart but I'm afraid she'll reject me.

Right then, she walked through the door and pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head. She took out her wallet and phone and she crossed her wrists like she always does when she is in line, waiting to pay. She smiled at the man and grabbed two coffees. Two? Eh why two? Did she see me? Shit. But she didn't. She sat all the way in the back, on the other side of the shop. She stopped, looked around, and my head snapped down and stared at my coffee. When my head went back to her, she wasn't sitting innocently in her booth, but was hugging a boy about 5'9, with a quiff and he smiled at her. He was about two inches taller than her since she was pretty tall. They sat and talked, and laughed.

I will admit to this, I was jealous.

I couldn't stand that I wasn't there, sitting across from her, making her laugh and blush. So, I just walked away. Without making much noise, I walked out of the shop. And huffed out the supposedly summer air, but it was cold.

I stomped to the bus and laid on the couch.

Why not me.

Paige's POV-

He asked," So, how's touring?"

I shrugged," It's not really interesting."

"C'mon you're touring with the biggest boyband." He pressed on. I chuckled," I don't know what you expect, theres a lot of immaturity."

"and?" He made a signal to keep on going," And it is fun to prank people. " I took a sip from my drink," Good enough for you, Connor?"

He nodded," Very."

I sighed," I can't believe you drove like an hour just to meet me, since I'm literally going to be with you guys 24/7."

He shrugged," Yeah, well. I had nothing to do, so might as well."

I giggled," Well, I wanted to ask you, I was nominated for a TCA..."

"No way."

I nodded and squealed," I know right, so anyway, I was wondering if I could drag you along with?"

Connor smiled," You're joking."

I shook my head," I wouldn't stoop that low."

He scoffed," You froze Jack's underwear in meat soup in Playlist 2012."

I admitted," Ok, maybe I would. But I'm not kidding here. Please?"

He nodded," I'm so in.

"But I don't want the other guys to feel bad because you're going and they're not so, how about this."

"I'm listening."

I shifted in my seat and explained,"I'm going to send 15 1D tickets for the staples centre show in LA, that good?"

He nodded enthusiastically,"They'll live."

I grinned,"Thats good. Now I gotta go."

We stood up and engulfed in a hug once again," See you in LA."

He hugged even tighter, if that was possible and murmured," Yeah, in LA."

We parted and said our farewells.

I arrived to the hotel to find a pissed off Louis, a working Zoe, an eating Narry, a texting Ziam, and thats it.

I don't know what you expected.

We're normal.


Ah, there it is.

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