{12} all sorts of trouble

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After going in most of the stores, we had gotten smoothies from this small café. I had bought tons of things, so much that the bags covered my whole left arm. I opened the door to my bus snd saw all the boys poking around our stuff, "Can we help you?"

They all stopped dead on their tracks and slowly moved their heads up to look at us. They rapidly shut the cabinet or drawer that they were snooping around in. I felt something move in my hand and when I turned my head Harry had swiped my drink and now was sipping from it. He put on a disgusted face as he scrunched up his nose," Is that mango?"

I gasped dramatically, "How dare you! Mango happens to be my favorite tropical fruit."

Louis called, "Wait, you drank out of her cup. What the hell happened to 'she's a backstabbing bitch'? "

Zoe continued, "And what happened with 'he's a stuck up prick'?"

I placed a hand to my heart and gawked, "Aw you called me a backstabbing bitch?"

He did the same, " A stuck up prick? How very clever of you!"

We gave each other an over enthusiastic hug as Zoe shook her head, "I will never, ever understand."

I set my bags down on the couch and rummaged through the bags for the new set of wheels that I had purchased earlier on. I told Zayn, "Can you get me my skateboard. It's right next to you."

He looked for it and when he spotted it, he placed it on my extended hand, "You skate?"

"No, I just enjoy having a skate board with very wasted wheels because it makes me look cool." I replied sarcastically. Louis and Niall piped up a little too excited, "So do we!"

I scoffed as I took out the old wheels, replaced them with the new wheels, and screwed them in, "You couldn't skate to save your sorry asses."

Louis widened his eyes and crossed his arms, "Is that a challenge, pretty face?"

I put my hands to my hips, "Oh, it's on, pretty boy."

Niall asked, "Did they just challenge each other while flirting?"

Zoe muttered, "I think so."

Or I think she did.

Did she?

I wasn't really paying attention because my eyes were to Louis as he raced out of the bus to get his board. It was around 6:30 so it was starting to get dark. I tested out the wheels outside. Louis came out and skated towards me. The rest of the boys and Zoe stood talking on the side. Her arms were crossed and she was leaning on the bus, " Be nice." She mouthed. I chuckled as I took an impulse with my foot.


I threw my hands up in the air in defeat, "Oops. Next time pretty boy."

I took a U-turn, returned the board to my bus and closed the door. Louis was standing in the same position I was and I was able to catch his eyes. I gave him the 'I'm-watching-you' signal and walked meet Zoe, who was with Paul and a bunch of other people huddling up talking and plotting how we were getting to the car.



We were all in a circle around Paul, who was giving us instructions on how we were getting through the fans. I should be paying attention but it's the same thing every time.

Keep your head down.

Take up little space.

Follow the light.

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