{3O} Car Crash

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Paige's POV-

I opened my eyes to find my head throbbing. I attempted to get up, but being restrained by an arm around my waist. I looked back slowly to see no other than Louis. And he didn't have a shirt on. And neither did I. In fact, I was wearing nothing and neither was he.


Well, so much for staying away from him.

I carefully removed his arm from around my waist and placed a pillow where my spot was. I retrieved one of Louis' shirts and some underwear and shorts I found on the floor. I quickly slipped them on before he could see me, and ran over to my room before anyone saw. Zoe wasn't in the room, but on the clock it said it was 6 am.

No use in going to sleep now. I turned the shower on and slipped in once it was hot, after undressing myself of course. I took a quick shower and stepped out. I threw on jean shorts, an oversized white t-shirt, a turquoise PINK sweater, and cute white shoes. I blow dried my hair and as I was putting my last swishes of mascara, realization hit me. All the faded memories came rushing in. The way I felt when I kissed him for the first time, and the way he held me in his arms. And the way that we were able to run so smoothly, but have had no experience together. I smiled and my heart raced at the memories of last night.

The recalling thoughts have made my day.

I took two Advils for the booming headache and walked out. Zoe was still nowhere to be found in the room. I walked out of the room to find her, with her suitcase, going out. I widened my eyes," Hey, Hey, what- where are you going?"

Zoe's head whipped around, she seemed almost dissappointed and upset"Paige, I have to go back."

"Why?"My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. To be honest, at this point, I had no idea what the hell was going on.

She took a deep breath and her eyes got watery,"Caspar, Finn, and Marcus were in a car crash."

I probably stood there for a minute just letting the words sink in. I grabbed my white beanie from the coffee table and scribbled a few words on a paper pad with the hotel pen. I ran and got Louis shirt and threw it on top of the note as well as my lipstick from last night. With that, I set my beanie and nerdy real glasses on and snatched her suitcase,"Come on, grab my purse."

She carried her bag and mine as we walked out of the hotel and into a cab.

We're going to London, right now, wether they like it or not.


Louis' POV-

I slowly squinted my eyes to the bright light. Last night came into my mind foggy, but it was still there, and it was so perfect. She's so perfect. Though, when I went to wake her up, I was holding nothing but a pillow. That girl is messing with my mind, I tell you. I threw the pillow to the other side of the room and got up. I slipped on some boxers, sweatpants and a simple shirt because mine from last night was nowhere to be found.

I bet Paige took it.

I walked out to the living room, that was filled with the sweet smell of pancakes. I grinned, waiting for Paige's soft lips to meet mine in a passionate yet gentle way.

But she never came.

And all that was left was my shirt from last night, scattered on top of the coffee table, and the kitchen stacked with a ton of different pancakes. All in divided in five different plates.

Harry was sitting on the couch, still trying to figure why his sister was not here at 7:30 in the morning,"Did you do anything to her?"

I shook my head,"Not without her consent."

Lights (One Direction Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora